Hopefully simple to implement and massive time saver

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Hi Bet Angel,

My suggestion I would hope is easy to implement (perhaps it isnt and that is why it hasn't been done).

It is to make the Betfair style graphs 'remember' their position.

The advanced charting remembers it position on the screen. I waste so much time each day opening, turning on auto refresh, setting it to 10 seconds and then repositioning the Betfair style graph on my screen.

Each race it has to be done for each of the three runners taking about 10 seconds a graph. So 30 seconds a race. Doing it 30 to 40 races a day, everyday is very frustrating and time not spent looking at the markets.

I really do hope this could be put in the next release :)

Edit: Another hopefully simple thing to include would be:

For the Trading Profit Calculator change the window names to:

Trading Profit Calculator 1
Trading Profit Calculator 2
Trading Profit Calculator 3

And for the Price Graphs:

**selection name** - Price & Volume Chart 1
**selection name** - Price & Volume Chart 2
**selection name** - Price & Volume Chart 3

And for the Advanced charting number them 1, 2 and 3

This would make positioning these windows so much easier as at present there is nothing to differentiate between the different windows apart from the selection name which is constantly changing.

i would be very very grateful if these changes could be made :)
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The advanced charting remembers it position on the screen. I waste so much time each day opening, turning on auto refresh, setting it to 10 seconds and then repositioning the Betfair style graph on my screen.
I have exactly the same issue.

It takes me about 40 secs to a minute every race to set the refresh to 10 secs and stack the top 4 horse graphs where I want them, if the positions could be saved somewhere it would make a massive difference! 8-)

Would be good for the advanced charting to have default positions saved as well so that you don't even need to move them for the first market
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And if they could have an option to auto open and close the top n horses with each market change...

That would be awesome! 8-)
Posts: 36
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I do some thing similar with the advanced graphing, each race I identify usually three horses which I open a chart for, select the pin to keep them on top, choose the style of chart i've created, and position them next to an un-docked ladder page. Currently once I've set this up once for a given session the pinning and chart type is remembered however if it were possible to save the current screen layout of all components (over multiple screens) and on choosing a new race the opened charts corresponded to some preconfigured default (e.g. the first three in the betting), it would be a huge productivity boost. Allowing more time to be spent looking at the trends of all entries rather than fiddling with windows etc.


Posts: 4619
Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:23 pm

If I could add a further suggestion which would again save a lot of time would be this:

At present when trading you have to manualy change the selection shown on the ladder screen, charting screen and trading profit calculator.

So if say a horse is being backed and you want to switch the ladder to move that horse onto ladder 3, you have to change it on the ladder, then the charting screen then the trading profit calculator.

Could it be made so as an option you can link all three interfaces. So you change the horse on the ladder and it changes it on the chart and the trading profit calculator. Thus removing several clicks.

If this could be an tick box option it would be great.

Many thanks.
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