Just got £11 profit !!

Football, Soccer - whatever you call it. It is the beautiful game.
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Posts: 4001
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:47 pm

Putting any strategy to use blindly will never lead to profit or else everybody could do it with no skill and that's not a realistic situation. However, if you look at the strategy it should clearly point you in a firm direction. Do a bit of research on top of that and you should get the point of the video!
Posts: 211
Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:28 am

I think you have hit the nail on the head a strategy needs a bit of workin out, testing and checking prior to lumping on. However you may get lucky, a few times and all of a sudden the same strategy won't work so it has to be adaptable.

I would say that having a fallback option to use as well as being ready to cut the loss and start again can be the only way forward. Lets face it once it's happened there ain't a lot you can do about it.

I would go through recent matches and times of goals etc to get an idea what might work and what may not although back testing is no guarantee of future success.

Also take screen shots of the odds movements and market jumps etc during the game. Not done it much in the past with football but it is really helpful.

One thing that I have found most useful and this is a side issue is getting a second monitor how much easier things can be. If anyone one is Ummin a Aahhin don't get one or two you won't regret it. Info overload is the first thing to watch for but there is such a difference.


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