Bet Angel
Full Guide

Guardian component



To control Bet Angel Guardian and the markets it manages.
Currently via the API you can:


e.g. http://localhost:9000/api/guardian/v1.0/applyCoupon


Adds each of the Market Ids, listed in the instruction, to Guardian.
  • Having used this operation, it is recommended that your API client waits a while before attempting to getMarkets as depending on the number of new markets added and the refresh interval of Guardian, it can take from a few seconds to a few minutes before all market/selection information has been retrieved from betfair.
Checks that the coupon named in the instruction is known to Bet Angel Guardian and then applies it to Guardian. All markets that satisfy the coupon's market filter will be appended to Guardian and will be loaded into the specified Watch List.
The instruction also contains options for clearing Guardian and/or the Watch List before loading the new markets.
  • The contents of the Coupon tab page in Guardian will not be affected by this operation
  • Guardian must have been made visible at least once since starting Bet Angel before this operation can be used.
  • Having used this operation, it is recommended that your API client waits a while before attempting to getMarkets as depending on the number of new markets added and the refresh interval of Guardian, it can take from a few seconds to a few minutes before all market/selection information has been retrieved from betfair.
  • The response contains a list of market Ids that were added by applying the coupon.
Checks that the Automation Rules File named in the instruction is known to Bet Angel Guardian and that it is suitable (i.e. not a Servant) and applies it to Guardian's markets list.
The marketsFilter in the instruction specifies whether the rules will be applied to all of the markets or just some of them.
The instruction also tells Guardian which of its Automation Rules columns will be given the rules.
If the markets in the marketsFilter were specified by Id (rather than just using ALL) then any of those markets that were not found in Guardian will be returned as an error and the PROCESSED_WITH_ERRORS status will be returned in the response.
Requests that Guardian closes a specific one-click or ladder window based on the windowId provided. The windowId would have been returned in a MarketScreenInfo object following a call to GetTradingWindows( ) or displayMarket( ).
If the status field in the response is set to FAILED then the errors list will detail the reason the window was not closed.
Requests that a market, that is already loaded into Guardian, be displayed in a trading window.
The displayChoice field controls whether the market will be displayed on the main trading screen or using a seperate one-click or ladder window. When using the displayChoice to indicate that a specific window is required, then the windowId field must be set. Valid values are between 1 & 10 for one-click screens and between 1 & 20 for ladders.
Note: When using a displayChoice of NEW_ONE_CLICK_WINDOW or NEW_LADDER_WINDOW, if the market is already active in a window, then that window will be used instead of creating a new one.
If successful, the OK status will be returned and the response will contain a DisplayMarketResult which will confirm the market shown and the window used to show it.
Gets information about which selections have been nominated for each of the available Automation Nominated Selection columns in Guardian. The results are limited to the markets specified in the marketsFilter field of the instruction. If the marketsFilter is not specified then all markets currently loaded into Guardian will be used.
The nominatedSelectionInfo list in the result data will contain one NominatedSelectionInfo object per nomination.
If the markets in the marketsFilter were specified by Id (rather than just using ALL) then any of those markets that were not found in Guardian will be returned as an error and the PROCESSED_WITH_ERRORS status will be returned in the response.
GetTradingWindowsResponse getTradingWindows( )
Gets information about which trading windows are open in Bet Angel and the markets that are assigned to them (includes details of the market active on the main trading screen)
The windows list in the result data will contain one MarketScreenInfo object for each ladder/one-click window holding a market.
Removes each of the Market Ids, listed in the instruction, from Guardian. If required, the ALL filter can be used in the marketsFilter rather than providing individual Market Ids. The operation can also be limited by the status of the market so that only Closed or Suspended markets are removed.
The response contains the list of markets that were removed (as Market Id & Market Name pairs).
If the markets to be removed were specified by Id (rather than just using ALL) then any of those markets that were not found in Guardian will be returned as an error and the PROCESSED_WITH_ERRORS status will be returned in the response.
Removes the Automation Rules currently assigned to the specified Guardian column.
The marketsFilter in the instruction specifies whether the rules will be removed from every market in Guardian or just the ones Market Ids provided.
If the markets in the marketsFilter were specified by Id (rather than just using ALL) then any of those markets that were not found in Guardian will be returned as an error and the PROCESSED_WITH_ERRORS status will be returned in the response.
Sets values into the Automation Nominated Selection columns in Guardian for one or more markets. The instruction contains a list of  NominatedSelectionInfo objects, one per nomination. To remove a nomination, set the marketId and nominatedSelectionColumn fields, but leave the selectionId field empty.
The nominatedSelectionInfo list in the result data will contain one NominatedSelectionInfo object per nomination.
If any of the selections could not be set, then specific error messages will be returns and the PROCESSED_WITH_ERRORS status will be returned in the response.