50 A Day System

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Bops wrote:
mootonandy wrote:Well thanks for all your help.

But anyway, I'd really like to know how to test this system in practice mode on the inplay horses.

I just want to test if for myself because all the positive reviews have got me curious.

If anyone knows how to get Betangel setup to do this then I'd like to know.


I'm using this system too mate and am struggling with it. I seem to make a good bit of money with it and then hit 5/6 losers in a row. Can you contact me, would love to chat to someone else that uses it to see if I'm just picking the wrong races with too many / little horses in them or if I'm picking races with the wrong odds in them.

I've tried to find other users of this system online but had no luck. Asked the admin of the system too and they wouldn't put me in contact with other users too... kinda a red flag that one
Did you get a reply?
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Yeah, this is one to be wary of. I had made some good profits using it over a few months, then a few days back I had 9 lost bets in a row and had to put extra cash in to fund the tenth bet, which luckily won. I continued today and once again I've cleared my entire betting bank.

They do say to reduce your stakes if you lose more than five in a row but I was only betting to win £2 to start with anyway.

It is a shame as for a few months it make good profit.

Also, I tried to write some honest feedback on the money maker reviewed site, but shock they haven't published it.
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Any system (either gambling or trading) which involves chasing a losing bet needs to be avoided.

The biggest reason why people fail at this game, is overcoming the emotional obstacle of accepting a loss
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just reading some thing about "Cognitive dissonance" ( check it out on wiki)..We are very lucky in that Betfair provide us will 100% proof that something either works for not...yet some people will STILL tussle on until their bank is gone..
(...even then,they may repeat the exercise?)
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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

[Commonly attributed to Einstein]
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There is an easier way to look at this. In its most basic form, you win, which means someone loses. Yes, we could look at how much you win and how much someone loses by analysing percentages, stop losses, etc. However, the basic premise is still true over a large sample. Call it a mistake if you like when some "clock beater" backs a horse down below 2.0.

The amount of money available from these "mistakes" is finite so you are trying to grab the same piece of pie as everyone else. You could say it will become a case of first come first served but then we have to consider other factors. Racecourse based players are seeing the action before everyone else and so they are trying to be first at the pie. Some of them would not know a horse from a giraffe so they will, AND DO, make mistakes. Sadly, we are back to my first point, you win they lose and the latter becomes painful after a while. This means the "free money" gets diluted and once again it's a straight race for the pie.

I could go into the mathematics of it but some have already pointed out the pitfalls and the maths won't deter people determined on trying to reinvent the wheel.

The market is a very simple machine which at times, moves at a million miles per hour. However, if you slow it down you will see it comes down to basics.....I win, you lose and vice versa.

If it seems too good to be true then trust me it usually is!

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FYI, the pushers appear to be trying to suppress people finding this thread via a Google search: -


Of course a public comment isn't something covered under copyright, so they will fail. But it's interesting to see the lengths people go to cover up.
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You would think if it was as successful system as they claim they would welcome there subscribers passing the word
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I have never heard of this particular system. But I run my own system with odds on runners (pre-race). I find that runners at these odds are the most reliable. The win and loss rate is roughly 50% (hence odds of 2). I do use a loss recovery system which I developed over time. I make a consistent profit (but not enough to retire on).

Anyway, I guess what I am saying is that odds on backing / laying has some merit and not all loss recovery systems are bad.

Try and come up with your own system ... it is possible.

Good luck.
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Doesnt this just sound like a Horse Racing version of the Martingale system?
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I stupidly bought this system a few years ago, I knew more or less instantly that it wasnt going to work long term, certainly not system one although system two has had a reasonable amount of success with the football.

I recently started looking at the first system again especially using horse racing, again I have come to the same conclusion, this is dangerous and could literally wipe you out in half an hour.

Tested on a busy Saturday afternoon using odds of 1.95 as an entry point the first horses to trigger this figure all went on to win, so initially you would lose half your bank and then continue to lose with the remainder....FAILED!!

Using another recommended method, laying before the off, seriously dangerous!! Using the Adrian Massey site easy to see at least once a month you would hit ten or more losses in a row, added to this numerous batches of five losses plus, add all these together and your next port of call is the gamble aware site.

What seriously annoys me is there are certain sites who totally recommend this system, not only that, there are countless letters from happy punters stating big wins, they are either fake or sooner or later they are in for a big shock, when I tried to post a comment similar to the one I am writing now it never got posted, how many other comments have also been scrapped? Probably quite a few from the people who initially won a bit of money.

Going back to one or two previous comments on here, I would say in my humble opinion overall you would achieve a 50/50 strike rate, the problem being exactly like roulette you may hit 12 plus losses in a row, I watch the ladder most days, there are a number of factors as to when you should enter the market with either a back or lay when the race gets to the business end.

If a horse suddenly moves into 1.5 or 1.6 from nowhere more often than not this is the winning horse, a lay here is very dangerous.

If a horse has steadily run and there has hardly been any deviation in odds and is now below 2 and still odds are decreasing again more than likely thats your winning horse.

Only if the price on the leading horse starts to deviate violently should a layer consider entering the market, this of course has the opposite effect on the backer.

To be honest having a live tv feed only hampers my decision, an understanding of how the market reacts to certain events taking place is just as good, if not better than tv pictures.
Of course it does not work all of the time, just like swing trading or scalping you cannot get it right every time, it is however a much safer method than just blindly laying the first horse to hit 2 in running.
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Murgo wrote:I have never heard of this particular system. But I run my own system with odds on runners (pre-race). I find that runners at these odds are the most reliable. The win and loss rate is roughly 50% (hence odds of 2). I do use a loss recovery system which I developed over time. I make a consistent profit (but not enough to retire on).

Anyway, I guess what I am saying is that odds on backing / laying has some merit and not all loss recovery systems are bad.

Try and come up with your own system ... it is possible.

Good luck.
And LUCK is what you'll undoubtedly need with a 'double stake until win' or similar system. My experience and the experience of countless others is that loss-recovery is simply a matter of time until a losing streak is long enough to wipe the entire bank.

If it ain't paying to level stakes, don't do it!
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This is a very bad system, as stated before it really is just a Horse Racing version of the Martingale system.

The guide roughly states for a £50 per day you should keep going until you win £25 twice. Using the recovery system if you lose 9 in a row the tenth bet would have a liability of over 33k. This is possible by the way ! today by roughly checking I think there was losing runs of 8 and 6? might be wrong with that though
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