Customizable Key Points on Ladder Screen with Markers

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As the name suggests this feature allows the user to highlight areas of interest to you on the ladder screen using 'Markers'.

Markers are fully customizable allowing you to highlight a cell on the ladder using top/bottom or side lines, a full border or filling of the whole cell, this can be done in all columns, ie, the odds column, traded volume column, back/lay columns etc.

There are many reasons and advantages to using 'Markers', this post will show just a few examples of how they could be used and how to configure them.

In the first example I’ve created markers to highlight all the cross-over odds (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 10.0 etc) by filling the cells white, I’ve also created seperate markers to highlight where the key bookmakers fractional odds are on the ladder with a white border, ie, decimal odds of 2.10 is 11/10 in fractional odds, 2.20 is 6/5, 2.50 is 5/4 etc, creating markers around these makes them easy to see at a glance.

Odds Highlight.jpg

To begin creating a ‘Marker’ simply click the spanner icon while on the ladder screen to open the Ladder settings editor, then go onto the ‘Markers Tab’, from there you will be able to configure the ‘Style’, ‘Colour’, the ‘Columns’ and ‘Prices to be marked’.

In the image below you can see the list of 'Markers' i've created to highlight the odds shown on the ladder screen of the image above

Key Odds Marker Settings.jpg

Markers from Stored Values

In addition to setting markers at fixed prices markers can also be set using 'shared stored values' passed from Servants and Automation rules, for example you might want to set a marker on the high/low traded price and have them continually update automatically as new high/lows are reached, allowing you to clearly see at a glance where a price of a selection has touched during a chosen period.

To do this I’ve downloaded a ready-made Servant to store the high/low traded prices from the following page of this forum

There is a full description in that post on how the servant works but briefly once it is started on a selection the Servant will begin storing the value of the highest and lowest back/lay prices reach.

In the image below I’ve started the Servant on the first two ladders and at different times - now guess where the high and low traded prices have touched for those two selections since I started the servant?


Once you have the Servant ready next you need to configure the 'Markers' in your ladder settings to look up the name of the shared stored value and configure how you want the marker displayed on your ladder screen. This time for the ‘Price to be marked’ option instead of using a ‘fixed price’ we'll use 'Shared Stored Value', new fields will appear were you can input the stored value details. For this example we need to look for a stored value named 'high
Hi Lo SV.jpg

Back in the 'Markers' are of the ladder settings for the 'Price to be Marked' option I've now set it to a 'Shared Stored Value' and entered the name of the stored value I want it to look up, in this example i need to enter the shared stored value name 'high'.
I've then configured how I want the marker highlighted on the ladder, for this I've chosen to fill the cell with a slightly darker colour than the rest of the prices

Markers SV.jpg

We then need to click the ‘Add Marker’ button to create another marker, this one will be to display the shared stored value named ‘low’, and of course change the columns option to the 'back' column and use a different colour to fill the cell with.

Once that’s been done and the ladder settings have been saved you’re ready to go, just ensure you have that ladder settings profile selected on your ladder trading screen then start the servant on whichever selection/s you want to store the hi/lo prices on and you will see the prices marked for you.

With this particular servant you can start it at a time of your choice, then if you want to reset the high/low markers simple start it again and it will clear the current marked prices and begin storing new high/low’s from that time onwards.
Or you could edit it to start at a fixed time, only store the values when the traded volume also exceeds '£X.XX', basically you can do anything you want.

Point & Click to Highlight Cells or Rows

Another thing you might want to do is manually place a 'Marker' on the fly to highlight a cell or row of cells where you have seen something of interest, perhaps you've spotted large amounts of unmatched money keep appearing/disappearing and want to highlight the price/s where this has been happening or some other activity that has caught your eye and you want highlight with a 'Marker'

Like the previous example above placing 'Markers' on the ladder requires the use of a servant, there is a ready made servant and even the ladder settings have been made for you and can be download from the following page

All you need to do now is select that ladder settings profile and point your mouse cursor over a cell of a selection and once the servant is started a 'Marker' will be placed on that row. You can see in the image below I've placed a Marker on the 2nd and 3rd runners where i'd earlier seen some actvity of interest.

Ladder Marker.jpg
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Last bumped by Dallas on Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:01 am.

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