Steamer and Drifter Coloured Beacons - One-Click Screen Settings & Layout

One-click, but many options!
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These settings files for your One-Click screen will display a coloured beacon in a custom column if a selection is steaming or drifting (blue if steaming or red if drifting)

This will help you identify if the selections are moving and in what direction, so when used your One-Click screen will look exactly like the image below were you can see the runner named 'Miss Calculation' has a red beacon next to it indicating it is drifting


During the final 20mins before the start each selection priced below 20.0 is monitored and if there is a movement of 5% in its book% (sometimes called IP%) from what it was 3minutes ago a beacon will appear next to the selections name, this will stay in place unless the price reverses and is now falls back within 3% of its book% 3 minutes ago.

Once a market goes in-play all beacons are cleared and will no longer be set, however while it is still pre-off another beacon can appear next to the same selection if it begins moving again in either the same or different direction (of course you are free to edit the times the beacons are active from/to and the book% movements required to trigger the beacons) detailed on how to do this are explained further down the post in the 'Editing Rules' section

Custom Column File
To use these one-click setting’s, click the 'Movers.bcc' file below to download to your computer, then whilst on your one click screen click the ‘Star’ icon and that will open the Custom Column editor, after that click the import button and browse for the downloaded file on your PC - then you can select that file as your Profile.
CC Import.JPG
CC Import1.JPG

Grid Layout File
You will also need to click on the 'Movers Steam/Drift.bgl' file below to download the grid layout settings file to your computer, once downloaded on your one-click screen click the paper with green arrow icon to import the grid layout settings file - you'll then be able to select it from the pick list just to the left of the gold star.
GL Import.JPG
Movers Steam_Drift.bgl

Using the Files
Once you've downloaded and imported the files as detailed above, ensure you now have them selected as your Grid layout and Custom Column profile on your One-Click screen
Using Files.png

Rules File
To monitor and pass the Back Book% values to your one-click screen to activate the beacons you will also need to download and import the 'Steam/Drift Beacon.baf' file into your Guardian, once downloaded to your computer open Guardian and on the ‘Automation’ tab click ‘Import a Rules’ file, then each day just add your markets to Guardian and apply that rules file to them all.
Guardian Import.jpg
Steam_Drift Beacon.baf

Editing the Rules File
Once you have it imported into your Guardian you can edit any part of it very easily by clicking on "Edit Rules File".
Please refer to the 'Note' tab for each rule understand how each rule works and how it may be connected to other rules within the file

Colour Settings
Finally for the beacons to change colour you'll need to download and import the 'Value Based Colour Setting' file named 'Beacon.BAVBCS' and import it into your Value Based Colour Settings Editor, then select them as your 'Background' and 'Text' button colours.
To import them click the spanner icon in the highlighted area and that will open up the window you see in the second image

NB; If you prefer to trade using the ladder screen there are ready-made files available for that to from the link below, the .baf rules file and .bavbcs colour settings file are the same as what is used above here, so you've already downloaded them here you won't need them again for the ladder screen, you'll just need the .bls ladder settings file
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