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someone just directed me here.

Nice sentiment scotty. But a petition won't do it, the govt. won't be interested, you're far better off just retweeting and publicising it. Along with posts like Peters about censorship. I wonder how many people like us they've done it to.... and as you seen Geoff's reply, he and any others will hate it when it's reposted again and again. :) Cheers,

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It's nice to see people waking up a bit. I've been banging on for years, but my efforts haven't generally been met with much enthusiasm. I've always put it down to having a product as people use that as a foil by implying I have an incentive to sell it, when in fact it's such a bigger battle than that. May the force me with you!
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I'd give the bookies more slack if they didn't ban winners or arbers. I was disappointed that the BBC programme 'Britain at the Bookies' failed to focus more heavily on this practice. I'd love it if the Government forced bookmakers to only be allowed to ban punters if they are considered to be laundering money, or engaging in fraudulant activity - that would be a serious gamechanger!
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Whilst I like the idea of not allowing bookies to ban people, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to. If you had a customer that cost you money why would you want to keep them a customer?

There are very few industries where companies are not allowed to turn away customers who cost them money, I don't see why the bookmaking industry should be treated any differently to the other 99.9% of businesses, it is only essential services that I can think of that are not allowed to turn away customers and have an obligation to provide a service.

I don't think bookmaking is an essential service.

As for the the lines used by the bookmakers about being best price etc, the best way and the easiest way to stop such marketing, if it is false, is to go to the Advertising Standards Authority. The petition is pointless - spend your time contacting the ASA.
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Euler wrote: May the force me with you!
Very fitting.
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Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:07 am

Just been having a little gander at Geoff Banks twitter account. He's actually a horrible, nasty arrogant man.
He has happiness and wealth from people's misery.
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