New beta version of Bet Angel v1.43.1

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guy333 wrote:You can only make it conditional on the green up if you know exactly what the position is after the "green up".
A future planned enhancement will be flexible enough to solve this problem and a few others that have been mentioned in the last few months.
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Ive created a hsortcut to close the trade (using reverse prices) and assisgned to keypad 0 and has already served me well..

I was wondering if there is any intention to be able to call theses shortcuts from guardian itself as a rule? (Or even if its possible?)
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We wouldn't link a rule into the shortcuts directly, as a lot of them rely on the context of knowing where the mouse is (current market/selection/bet etc). However if the shortcut gives access to something in the Bet Angel infrastructure that Automation does not, then we could look to add it to Automation also.

The close trade at a reverse price shortcut that you mention would generally be seen as a manual activity, because it lessens the chances of actually achieving the price (balanced against the increase profit in doing so); it requires monitoring/decision/intervention to ensure the trade closure. Not ideally suited to Automation where most customers expect Close Trade to just do what it says on the tin (with the highest chance of success), but I can see it would be useful if you are happy to handle the additional risk.
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Thanks for the reply.
Might be worthwhile putting in the back burner for now then?
I thought of it as an interim solution (as there may be a "close trade using reverse pricing" in guardian in the future (I know there are only so many hours in a day and you guys cant implement every request made in the suggestions thread, everthing has to be prioritised)
Just off the top of my head; i cant think of any other shortcuts called from guardian that would be of use?)
Anyway, thanks again
PS been running this version for a few days now; rock solid as always
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phil wrote:The volume and percentage in the ladder is handy addition but do we really need the pound sign and the brackets. With my setup if the volume goes over the 100,000 I already lose the last bracket,to remove these would leave a much cleaner look, we dont have £ signs in the stake boxes and anyone not sure what currency it is can see from the total matched line above. Thanks
+1 from me on this one

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"race distance condition" how to correct use this option? Thank you
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Its as it says on the tin, if you select
"Race Distance Condition"
Greater than

then that rule type will only trigger on races over that distance

If you select
"Race Distance Condition"
equal to

Then that rule type will only trigger on races that are 2miles (16F)
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would it be possible to have a few additions to keyboard shotcuts such as:
--load settings an profiles
--move mouse cursor to... same as <Display>. That would be handy with multiple monitor setups.
--reorder selections by volume
we have the ability to <change preset stake on the ladder> but a simple select preset stake nr.. would be useful too.
Why can't we assign something to <shift> key alone?
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Thanks for those ideas, we'll see what we can do. Not sure whether it's possible to push the mouse cursor around the screen based on a keypress though.
gutuami wrote:Why can't we assign something to <shift> key alone?
The shift key is only considered a 'modifier' to another key rather than a separate key itself. I would imagine it could be quite dangerous to intercept normal Windows behaviour. e.g. Attempt to type a capital letter into something and the Shift shortcut would trigger!
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it will be nice to be able to open more than 10 external ladders in the future upgrades its really useful when u trade multiple markets .
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Bet Angel wrote:Thanks for those ideas, we'll see what we can do. Not sure whether it's possible to push the mouse cursor around the screen based on a keypress though.
gutuami wrote:Why can't we assign something to <shift> key alone?
The shift key is only considered a 'modifier' to another key rather than a separate key itself. I would imagine it could be quite dangerous to intercept normal Windows behaviour. e.g. Attempt to type a capital letter into something and the Shift shortcut would trigger!
thanks for replay
actually these features like Left shift key(remaped enter) and moving mouse in the center of a specific screen (as I lose it sometimes) and changing the stakes I achieve with a simple autohotkey script. 8-)
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george wrote:it will be nice to be able to open more than 10 external ladders in the future upgrades
That's easily done. We'll increase the limit in the next build.
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Can I ask a stupid question? Well I will do anyway :D

I'm using your VPS, when will 1.43.0 be available in the server edition? Or should I just install the 1.43.0 version over the top of the server version?
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ricardodeano wrote:I'm using your VPS, when will 1.43.0 be available in the server edition?
The Server edition of 1.43.1 can be downloaded from ... _beta1.exe
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Following feedback and comments, we've made a few enhancements to the beta and have updated the download link in the first message to point to the new 1.43.1 beta.

Changes include:

- Additional Ladder header/footer option 'Selection Volume (compressed)'
- Increased number of additional ladder windows that can be displayed to 20 (from 10)
- New Keyboard Shortcuts to:
Sort ladders by volume (descending)
Cancel all back/lay bets for a selection above/below price of bet under mouse
Select a named settings profile
Select a named layout profile
- Option to apply 'default stake' changes immediately (or keep with the existing 'apply on market switch' behaviour).

We've also fixed a bug that was spotted regarding the customisation of the one-click toolbar. It used to fail to reload the toolbar changes when the layout profile was selected on the login screen (but was fine if the profile was changed after the one-click screen had initialised). It now works properly regardless of when the profile is selected.
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