Excel Trading Analysis

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I've got to say..... this is top notch!

Well done and huge thanks. This is invaluable. I can already see that I make most profit on Group 1, claimers and Grp2 and least on Maiden Stakes. Folkstone is my happy course and I shall be avoiding Pontefract!

It would be fun to hear what others find!

There are a couple of cells that say '#VALUE!' but I'm sure I can sort those out.

An impressive job.
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Thanks Tub.
Can you let me know what cells the #values are appearing in?

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Thanks nigel great addition!

Great information from it! I can already see the irish tracks are going to be completely avoided for the summer! As well as sell stks!

I dumped 2 months worth of results in there and overall strike rate was 73%. Not sure whether that is good, bad or average!
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nigelk wrote:Can you let me know what cells the #values are appearing in?

Sorted it - My BettingPandL.xls sheet also featured place markets. It was these causing the '#value!' entries.
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Nigel spreadsheet great but will not work for me?

ChDir "C:\Users\nigel\Desktop"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Users\nigel\Desktop\BettingPandL.xls"

I replace your name with mine and it will not update takes me back to debug same lines? Any ideas?

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Brilliant stuff!!!

Only thing, would it be possible to make it so you can sort by AV?

Many thanks for you effors - I had tried to make something similar before but compared to this my efforts are embarrising :)
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Adding day of week would be handy. But that could take some coding.

I might have a bash at that when I've got a spare hour or two.
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Taxbrakes, What version of Excel are you using?
Are the errors just on those two lines and can you tell me what the message says?

Andy, I did do that, but then binned it!.

Tub, I'll have a look at adding dates.

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Hey Nigel,

First of all thank you so much for the spreadsheet. Looks very useful indeed.

Regrettably I am having some trouble getting it up and running. At first I had a debug error message, however after some moving around of the files and a few renaming attempts of the Copy Data location I have managed to get it to locate my spreadsheet. Unfortunately though it does not appear to be reading this correctly. I will attach some screenshots below to show you exactly what I am doing.



As you can see it does identify the total markets correctly however teh rest of the sheet is not being populated.

Could someone please point me in the right direction. Am hoping to get this working today, looks very handy. Would appreciate any ideas.

I am using Excel 2003 and Windows XP.
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Tub had a similar problem with the #values message, he had done some trades on the place market, and it was these that was causing his problem.

I've never traded these markets, and I can only assume that they have different descriptions/layout of text as the "normal" ? markets.

If someone would like to compare the two and post a line of each, maybe we can reach a solution?

How did you insert the image? I've clicked on the Img button before, and that's as far as I've got.

Let us know what you find.
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Hey Nigel thanks for your reply.

I would consider myself an Excel novice as I only use it minimalistically. I don't trade any place markets so I do not think this is the issue. In regards to posting images on the forum. I use photobucket.com and host them there. I then include the image code to display them in the post.

If anyone has any ideas for my excel issue I'm all ears! :)
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Thanks Nigel :D The spreadsheet is great.

Already I can see that Wolves is good to me :) but I think I need to pay attention when trading Kempton :(
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Another big thank you to Nigel. He has solved me problem, use the correct spreadsheet!

I was using the Betting History spreadsheet rather then the P&L one :oops:

It is now working a treat and has confirmed a few of my ominous suspicions!

Thanks again for creating and sharing this spreadsheet Nigel :D
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I've added a "date" option, "sort by AV", and an error message.

The programme will by default, search for a spreadsheet named BettingPandL, and if it can't find it will carry on, but you'll get lots of #value errors on the screen.

(Thanks here to Tub and Afro for pointing out that Betfair had different spreadsheets to download, a fact I was totally unaware of).

To circumvent this, I've added an error message that lets you know if the sheet cannot be found. If you find this annoying (i.e. you rename your sheet or change the pathways ), just go into the VBA screen and delete the line: "On error goto Errtrap"

I've re-jigged the screen a bit, the details now appear on the left. It made a bit more sense to scroll to the right and line up the section you want directly against the details.

Finally, many thanks for all the kind comments.
Last edited by nigelk on Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nero Tulip
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Ruddy awesome work Nigel, this is very helpful and thanks for making this available.

Might I request some extras? Please only if you have the time or inclination.

It doesn't find the track names or race types for greyhounds, which I'd love to have, since I do a lot of those races.

I'd also like to see some additional general stats. Such as average Win, and average Loss. I want to be able to see how the variance in my results is being affected.

Great work though, the thought crossed my mind that a spreadsheet that looked at individual matched bets would be good too. Might delve into that myself.

Thanks again.
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