BA remembering windows / panels positions

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This is the last one for today, I promise :).

I have searched but haven't found anything and I'm not quite sure if I am very very lost here or if I'm the only one finding this a little bit annoying.

So... would it be possible for BA to remember the position of the "windows" we use with it?

I mean... we all more or less have or way to display data, we undock some panels, we resize them, we move them to a specific part of the monitor or to other monitor, etc..
So, I MAY be VERY lost here... as I haven't found a way to save this configuration anywahere so I don't have to to all the same stuff everytime I open BetAngel...
But if I haven't overlooked anything... would it be possible for BA to remember all that stuff so when we open it we have all displayed the way we want and always use.

It would be just incredible if we could have several "profiles" with different windows/panels and positions... as depending on what I trade I use one layout or other.

Thank you for everything!
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This is something I have been asking for for an age (you must have missed my posts on it :) ) and I hope is in the upcoming release - the amount of time wasted every race repositioning charts and selecting auto refresh and changing the refresh rate is just incredible over a week/month/year. This is time not spent trading and I for one find it more than a little infuriating.

So a BIG BIG BIG vote for this one from me!!!!!!!
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Another BIG vote, this takes 10 minutes of my time every day (which is around 33 hours per year)
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andyfuller wrote:I hope is in the upcoming release
Unless I am missing it it is not in the new release :evil:
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We are working on this at the moment but it's not as easy as it sounds. Hopefully you can see we are firmly headed is this direction on this release given the introduction of profile and custom columns tool.
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Thats good to hear many thanks!
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IT's good to know user opinion is taken into account ;).

Thanks for the hard work! Waiting impatiently for that new release.

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for this sort of action I use Macro Scheduler at the moment...
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Hi gutuami,

What macro program do you use.?


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gutuami wrote:for this sort of action I use Macro Scheduler at the moment...
Oh, great to know there might be a solution with other softwares!

I'm trying it now... only it seems a little bit hard at first to create the script...

If you have one where you place panels/windows in certarin position... would you be so kind to let us the file of your script to serve us as an example from which to build on our proper one?

If you don't mind that, it'd be great. Going to have some play with it now anyway :).

Thanks for the tip!
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andyfuller wrote:The amount of time wasted every race repositioning charts and selecting auto refresh and changing the refresh rate is just incredible over a week/month/year. This is time not spent trading and I for one find it more than a little infuriating.
Just wanted to BUMP this thread, I was hoping that by now it would have been possible for the software to remember on the Betfair Style charts to keep Auto Refresh selected and how often e.g. every 10 seconds, selected.

I know when you switch markets it does this now for charts already open but if you load up a new chart you have to do it.

Also I and I am sure others would like to see the market sort rolled out across the application asap so that when you sort the market it sorts everything. At present this only is working on the one click screen so you still have to manually reposition the charts and sort the ladder, this is so time consuming each day.

Finally I would like the option so that you can make the sort work when you switch to a market and then not keep on sorting unless you tell it to resort. At the moment the grid is constantly changing its order when I don't want it to.

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Agreed :D

Some of the windows remember the settings but like you say the betfair graphs remembering which ones you have open, pinned, refresh rate would be so useful.

I often have the market overview open and spend my mornings positioning each and every window...
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I agree on this, i find this infuriating to say the least, expecially when you open the betfair charts for 3 runners on the ladder and if you dont pin them first the dissapear, also having to resize and re pin the windows all the time is a right pain, would be nice to be able to save my setup and others I use as eg: profile 1, profile 2 etc.
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