Trader Personality Profiles

Trading is often about how to take the appropriate risk without exposing yourself to very human flaws.
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Euler wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:52 am
It's amazing how much I've changed, but I knew that anyway.
Really interested to know how you have changed please?
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Yes, but this job has changed me mate - 10 years ago, I would have been considerably more extroverted. However, a decade of sitting at home on my own, with no family life to keep me more rounded and grounded, has led to me becoming more withdrawn and isolated from normal life.
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Im quiet looking forward to doing mine later today im always curious to know what these type of things reveal
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In some aspects, it wasn't a result I expected! Interesting though.
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Architect (INTJ-A)
66% Introverted
55% Intuitive
66% Thinking
88% Judging
69% Assertive
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RentonT wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:07 pm
Euler wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:52 am
It's amazing how much I've changed, but I knew that anyway.
Really interested to know how you have changed please?
Based on the scores in this test. I'll explain what led to the changes.

Mind, I used to be fairly introverted but now I 've completely flipped to extroverted. I've just learnt to be bold and adventurous, it's led to many doors opening for me so I fear little now. I used to be quite fearful.

Energy, Intuitive. I've learnt to use not only logical but typically use insight and hunches to pursue new angles. I used to be 100% logical. I like the description they use which is me to a tee - "Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded and curious. They prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities". I think this goes hand in hand with the previous one.

Nature, thinking. I've become more trustworthy of my views and experiences and therefore tend to base decisions on that rather than think about their impact. I'm much quicker to spot an opportunity and act on it now and not worry about the outcome. I've just learnt that's the way to take opportunities. I would often procrastinate in the past and that cost me a lot of opportunities. I prefer to make mistakes and learn from them now.

Tactics, prospecting. I'm always on the look out for opportunities, always. They are all there, you just need to find them. I'd often not look in the past if I couldn't explain it, but of course you can't explain everything. I've learnt to trust my instinct more.

All tests are subject to bias of course. But interesting nonetheless. It's certainly very different from old profiles I did.
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Thanks Peter, that's fascinating.

How would you (if at all) like to change in the future?

I ask this because although we got the same personality on the test, I am looking at my weaknesses which applies to all areas of my life, not just trading.

The main ones are:

- Not enjoying doing the boring routine day to day jobs/work/grind.
- Not being organised and setting plans/schedules and sticking to them.
- Not being able to follow through and achieve what I want.
- Poor discipline.
- Procrastination

Also, although I am an extrovert, I can sometimes be a complete recluse and shut myself off away from everything and everyone.
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I think I was an analyst a few months ago, but I've turned into a mediator!

-I must say the breakdowns are very accurate these days
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“The Advocate” (INFJ-A)

Personality type: “The Advocate” (INFJ-A)
Individual traits: Introverted – 77%, Intuitive – 85%, Feeling – 59%, Judging – 65%, Assertive – 58%
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Confident Individualism

I'm Mother Teresa!!!
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ruthlessimon wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:52 pm
I think I was an analyst a few months ago, but I've turned into a mediator!

-I must say the breakdowns are very accurate these days
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"Untalented rich still earn more, says Greening"

1 hour ago.

Try using a personality profile in the face of that!
an' she's the edjucation seccrettary!

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LeTiss wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2017 10:23 am
My results were - Architect (INTJ-t)

92% Introverted, 71% Intuitive, 66% Thinking, 56% Prospecting, 69% Turbulent

What that says about me, and my life as a trader, I have no idea!
I haven't read it all yet but it's spookily accurate, and well well well, guess what LeTiss? ...ditto!! Architect (INTJ, -A/-T). And I was indeed an analyst at one point, and happy doing it. Part of the 2%...what are the chances of that happening!? ( that's the wrong place to ask that, I'll get replies.)

So, LeTiss, this could be the start of a beautiful new friendship. :?: :)

Interesting differences tho, ...I'm more Judging (yes, really, moi!) and you're more Turbulent (i'd never have guessed)
67% Introverted
59% Intuitive
61% Thinking
58% Judging
60% Assertive

It's given me some hope about sucess actually, if you can do it...I might not be my own worst enemy afterall.
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Euler wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:08 pm
I've learnt to use not only logical but typically use insight and hunches to pursue new angles. I used to be 100% logical. I like the description they use which is me to a tee - "Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded and curious. They prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities". I think this goes hand in hand with the previous one.
So, I think I might be younger Peter

Personality type: “The Logician” (INTP-A)
Individual traits: Introverted – 73%, Intuitive – 69%, Thinking – 74%, Prospecting – 75%, Assertive – 66%

The one thing that really holds Logicians back is their restless and pervasive fear of failure. Logician personalities are so prone to reassessing their own thoughts and theories, worrying that they’ve missed some critical piece of the puzzle, that they can stagnate, lost in an intangible world where their thoughts are never truly applied. Overcoming this self-doubt stands as the greatest challenge Logicians are likely to face.

Any tips on how to start giving less fcuks? :D
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Mediator INFP-T

99% introverted
74% intuitive
55% feeling
56% prosperity
87% turbulent

Reading the summary, I don't get out much, spend all day day dreaming and I'm full of shit.

Seems about right.
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My personality was The Mediator (INFP-T) one of my weaknesses was A dislike of dealing with data. Should I call it a day now or hang on a bit!
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