Setting up trades early morning for afternoon racing

Discussion regarding the spreadsheet functionality of Bet Angel.
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Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:02 pm

Hello forumites

I'm new to BetAngel and want some advice. I want to set up my trades via Excel spreadsheets on the morning of the races, and set them going using something like OnTime. The point is this: I'll have 2-3 horses in maybe 10 different races for the day. Can I link my spreadsheet(s) to BetAngel and hence Betfair for the 10 different markets, in the morning, then leave Bet Angel to execute my conditional trades (triggered from the spreadsheet via BACk and LAY). Or can Bet Angel only cope with one market at a time in my absence? The whole point is I don't want to be stuck in front of the computer all day. Forgive my ignorance on this - although an experienced Excel and Betfair user I don't have the experience with Bet Angel. Many thanks.
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I think I have the answer to my earlier query from an earlier posted thread "Importing multiple markets into the betangel spreadsheet" in the Excel section. Thanks to russXJ6, TheTub, and Fidib665 in particular - I should have checked out the existing :D threads before posting my question!
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Hi Mike,

Did this work for you ie. could you setup your bets in the morning, leave the PC on & each race triggered OK in you abcence ?

If so have you come across any pitfalls etc ? This is something Id also like to do.

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Are you looking to back a selection when it hits a certain price and then lay it off again?

If so, are you hoping to put any fill or kill, or stop losses into the equation?

Yes, you can leave your computer on all day with 10 sheets. I have over 100 sheets on mine, on Thurs/Fri nights I have 100 weekend football markets installed & leave it running overnight. It's quite exciting when I come down in the morning to see Excel placed the exact bet I wanted at 3 or 4am!

You can ask Excel to back and lay on the same sheet, but early price markets can be a bit gappy. Therefore, if you have a stop loss request installed, it can be a disaster because quite often the stop loss will be filled before a successful trade.
If you don't have a stop loss request on the sheets, how are you planning to overcome a scenario where the first part gets filled, but the second trade doesn't get taken?
Your global settings on BetAngel don't appear to cover any bets placed externally like Excel

I hope this helps a little

Le Tiss
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