Help getting an SV into Excel

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I'm a long time user of Guardian and have a strong working knowledge of Bet Angel automation. I have a good working knowledge of Excel but I am yet to use any Excel functionality as all my automation is triggered within Guardian.

Would somebody mind walking me through how I get one of my Guardian stored values to show on a BetAngel_1.xls please?

I assume it's easy to do but I've been through the tutorials and I'm getting nowhere.
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from the AI Help:
How I export an SV to excel?

To export a Stored Value (SV) to Excel, you can use the 'Export All Stored Values' rule in Bet Angel. Here are the steps:

In the Bet Angel software, go to the 'Automation Rules' section.
Create a new rule or select an existing one.
Choose the 'Export All Stored Values' rule type. This rule will export the current state of your Stored Values to a CSV file.
In the 'Parameters' area, configure which Stored Values you wish to export. You can select options to export all Stored Values, only Shared Stored Values (with or without history lists), or only non-Shared Stored Values.
Run the rule. Each time the rule is run, the current values are written to a new line in the CSV file.
Open the CSV file in Excel to view and analyze the exported Stored Values.
Please note that when exporting values from a history list, only the latest value written to the list will be exported. If you need to debug the state of Stored Values at different points in time, you should trigger the 'Export all Stored Values' rule multiple times. Also, if you wish to keep the values aligned in the same column from start to finish of a series of Exports (perhaps for analysis in Excel), then all Stored Values should be initialised with a value before the first Export.
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Yeah I tried the AI too. Didn't understand it very well. Tried a few things but nothing seemed to work. I was hoping to be able to get an automatically updating stored value in the main excel spreadsheet like you get with all the regular market data. I have zero programming or vba knowledge, perhaps that is my problem.
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In BetAngel goto settings - edit settings - excel - additional columns - tick share stored values - add the SV you want to transfer to excel.
The SV will appear to the right of the last used column in the excel sheet linked to guardian.
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bob1957 wrote:
Thu May 09, 2024 7:43 am
In BetAngel goto settings - edit settings - excel - additional columns - tick share stored values - add the SV you want to transfer to excel.
The SV will appear to the right of the last used column in the excel sheet linked to guardian.
Thank you so much. This is exactly the step I was missing.
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