Number of markets that can be streamed

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Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:19 am

I saw in another post that there is a Betfair limitation of 1000 markets that can be streamed. Given that there could be several hundred football matches per day, we could easily hit this limit if accessing several markets per match. The suggestion was to open several instances of Betangel. I presume those instances can't talk to each other, so you would need to deal with all the markets in a football match together in one instance? So I would then need to just select a subset of the football matches in each instance - can't see any way other than by country and league within a country - is that the only alternative? If I wanted to monitor all the Over/Under markets (9 per match), I would be limited to 100 approx football matches in each instance.

What about looking at the start time of each match, is there no way to only stream data for games that are active, and maybe selectively activate an Over/Under market based on the current score line?
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Joined: Thu May 02, 2019 8:37 am

I've run into the same issue, and the only way I can get around it is to use code and the BA API. But that takes some coding knowledge. You'd need to load a coupon via the API in, say, a 1 hour loop, only loading matches that start in a "specific timeframe" for the next 60m, then parse the matches returned from a getmarket request, and remove any that are in a Closed state. You can also get your baf to set a Stored Value (i.e. RemoveMe = 1) on any matches that you know will not be entered due to certain conditions, and remove those as well via the API. You can assign different baf's to each market in the same way - although I have a "one size fits all" baf that gets applied to everything for football and market type conditions so that only certain rules run

It's not easy, and takes some work, but it's doable
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