Apple Inc : APPL

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Here's a talk by Steve Jobs, entitled How To Live Before You Die: ... u_die.html

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My favourite Jobs moment: -
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I never liked what he standed for, but I must reckon he was a genious of his own. I already knew the video you posted and it's inspirational at least.

I hope noone takes this the wrong way, but well, british humour is a class of its own so I'll take my chances:

"Steve Jobs reaches Heaven.
His first words: iDied."
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Never been a fan of the Apple brand to be honest, as from what i have seen there have always been better and cheaper alternative products that suited my needs more.

but R.I.P to the man anyways.
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Steve Jobs vowed to 'destroy' Android

my problem with Apple is that they became far too controlling and imho as anti-competitive as Microsoft ever were but get away with it because of the positive view of their brand within the media (big users of Apple products).

they are also trying to kill Flash (a great technology) by not supporting it on any of their devices.

iOS only runs on Apple hardware and their apps can only be sold by Apple who therefore control which apps are allowed to be developed. sod that... give me Android any day.
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Hi Superfrank

You may be right.

Jobs probably didn't become a multi-billionaire just by giving the public great products at affordable prices!

And for all the bad press Bill Gates gets, let's not forget that he's probably one of the biggest charity donors in history...

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Steve Jobs Appears To Have Protected His Estate With Living Trusts ... ng-trusts/

His 35% estate tax will raise around $2.6Bn. Given that the US is currently borrowing around $150Bn a month just to pay her bills that money will cover about half a day's overspending... 'puts the financial crisis into some sort of perspective.
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superfrank wrote:
they are also trying to kill Flash (a great technology) by not supporting it on any of their devices.
rip flash!!
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it's a shame. Flash took the internet experience forward in a big way. I refuse to buy Apple products.
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superfrank wrote:I refuse to buy Apple products.
Me too. Apple products are supposed to have unparalleled internet security safety.

I wonder if anyone with Betfair security issues has an Apple laptop etc.
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Patents: Apple wins over Motorola in 'slide-to-unlock' ruling

i don't know about you but i find all this Apple litigation stuff a bit insidious. suing because someone copied "slide to unlock"!! it's a bit like Microsoft suing anyone who includes an OK button in their software. Steve Jobs made Apple what is today by using the ideas of others (e.g. the mouse). now they want exclusive rights to everything they ever think of - anti-competitive and hypocritical imho.
A second patent ruling, which covers a method of scrolling through pictures in a photo gallery on mobile device, was also due on Thursday but was postponed by the court.
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I agree all this patent nonsense is ridiculous but you can't lay all the blame at apples door.

Everyman and his dog is trying to sue apple for exactly the same thing. Motorola already gets a decent chunk of licensed patent money from apple as it is. This is just them trying to balance the scales.
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I think patents are essential for innovation. If you didn't have patents then nobody would invent anything without some sort of protection or else you would go to the time, expense and trouble of inventing only to see others steal your ideas. If you allow this to happen innovation ceases. It becomes too expensive to innovate.

However, I'm not sure that pointing your finger at screen and moving it to the right can really be called an invention!
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Samsung attacks 'patent law abuse' after Apple win
It said that the US court's verdict contrasted "starkly" with decisions made in other countries, including the UK, the Netherlands and Germany.

"History has shown there has yet to be a company that has won the hearts and minds of consumers and achieved continuous growth, when its primary means to competition has been the outright abuse of patent law, not the pursuit of innovation," the memo said.
i realise that many won't have a word said against Apple because they love its pretty products, but the decision smacks of national bias to me.
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