Restricted forum area?

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Having thought long and hard about this matter, I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't appear to be in anyones interest to restrict the forum to BA customers alone.

There isn't anything that traders cannot or will not discuss in an open forum that would justify excluding potential BA customers, the very same ones who provide additional liquidity to exchanges. Alpha is correct when he says that no trader who relies on exchanges to provide a living are going to divulge their secrets or methods of trading and even if a "private" forum was available they would still not do so.

Questions that are asked in this forum by both experienced traders and by newbies ARE of interest to me and answers by any responder, trader or newbie, are also of interest (and sometimes illuminating). Personally I am always willing to help new readers wherever I can and the logistics of accessing 2 forums may mean that newbies questions will go unanswered.

Unless BA themselves have some, as yet unposted, reason why they feel that the forum should be restricted?

Perhaps all that is needed is a Spam flag.
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If I were a newbie, before purchasing a piece of kit such as BA, I would like the ability to go onto a forum, such as this, and find out what real-live users had to say about the product. Then I'd make a decision. If BA restrict access to members only, this might discourage a newbie from purchasing BA. But then, I would say that, wouldn't I.

Psycho :evil:
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As a devotee of free speech, I can't help feeling that a private forum(unless there is some real tangible benefit) is a huge turn off to any new forum betangel/ subscribing participant. I do read from time to time some of the other open access forums, and they all in their own way have something to offer... if you take this private other trading forums will have a field day slagging it off... therebye denying anybody who may be interested in switching or joining up... I like many others on here have used other software.. The quality of the forum was a factor in deciding to suscribe...

luck to all Groovy
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The latest posts made me change my opinion. If you look into it in a game's theory perspective, what would you win by restricting it? Also, is it possible that some of the most profilic posters aren't really clients?
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Please Let me explain my own case,it may make people understand that often individuals has contributed directly or indirectly in the financial progress of betangel, Not restricting the forum may find on the way other people like me that will contribute in the future the progress of this betting tool..
In 2008 I started to buy licenses for betangel for more than one account, I stopped for reasons that I can not post in July 2011. In the meantime, I posted in a forum with more than 3000 Italian active users various private videos to bring Italian users to know the sport betting exchange a bit more. In my private videos I have always used Betangel with the consequence to receive emails asking me the name of the software, the price and the link to buy it .. I do not know exactly how many people have bought the software after watching my videos but, what I know, even if I am not using BA I am still using those videos to help people understand some basics of the betting exchange.....I let you judge and ofc I will accept whatever they decide to do...
No Sea to Rough
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Agree with all comments. I thought that this Forum was exclusively for BA customers.

Definitely time to 'baton down the hatches' this should be for BA users only.
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As a BA forum user, it doesn't, or shouldn't, make any difference what opinions, views or ideas that other posters may have and relay that through BA forum. For me the attempt to restrict forum for a particular people starts with a definition. How do you exactly define that group?

A BA customer doesn’t necessarily mean they have valid and useful contribution to make, and vice versa. There are people on BA forum who appears to be regular but create nothing but noise.

There seem to also to be occasional contributors from non-English speaking countries who might have good & interesting subject raised but not appreciated by everybody else on the forum purely because they haven't put the point across in a way that is easily comprehensible to majority of the users.

I think BA should fish out spam, remind new customers of etiquate and ban persistent offenders and which should enable the forum open to all who have a contribution to make and get rid of nuisance.
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We could split the forum and have some restricted areas only for BA customers and the rest as an open forum?
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Sincerely Peter, I would leave things as they are? As posted before can't really tell what would be the advantage of restricting the forum, but can tell the downsize...
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This week has made me think about revisiting this. I wonder whether we create a new area for annual subscribers where we can post additional value add. This may be a good test to see if we can operate a dual level forum and what impact it has?
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Maybe you can run a poll to annual subscribers and let them decide?
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what is a annual subscriber?
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Maybe I should have said, long term user. Just thinking out aloud.
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Good idea in my opinion.

It's so annoying when you get comments (like the one earlier this evening) rubbishing Betangel...and the common theme is that they always do so in their first/second dont have to be miss marple to work that one out...
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Great idea.

There are several forums I belong to (not betting related) that enable other parts of the forum depending on amount of posts / time.

These are for things like for sale / wanted, but there is no reason why you couldn't do something creative like that.
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