Issue recording screens

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Ive recently downloaded Camtasia with a view to recording my screens as I trade, however my system seams to get really slugish when I do.

This has an effect on the speed of trades hitting the market or getting cancelled from it of which is obviously not workable.

I never had a problem before running camstudio whilst recording one screen but since ive upgraded to 2 screens its been a problem.

My question is do you think it is RAM related? I currently have 3GB but am quite willing to upgrade if this is likely to be the case. Im running Vista by the way in case thats significant.

Appologies in advance if this is a stupid question, I'll freely admit my technical knowledge is not what I would like it to be.

Any pointers would be gratefully received
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Walshy, I don't see this as a RAM issue as 3Gb is enough for the task you are performing. RAM is only helpful if you are running multiple programmes so Bet Angel and Camtasia should not cause an issue.

I would say it is a combo of CPU and GPU, some of the work is done by the CPU and then passed to the GPU to process. This will depend on how the code for Camtasia is compiled and I don't know that I am sorry.

These days modern GPUs use CUDA (Nvidia) and OpenCL for (AMD/ATI) to take some of the load from the CPU which makes it easier and faster. That is a very basic explanation.

What CPU and GPU are you using?


PS Vista is not the greatest or most reliable OS but I doubt it is the main problem.
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Hi JG,

Thanks for the response,
The processor is an Intel Quad core Q6600 2.4Ghz and the graphics card an AMD Radeon HD6450
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Oh that is a worry because they should both be capable of handling Camtasia and Bet Angel. You do get some lag issues but not what you're describing.

Do you have the latest driver for the graphics card installed?

As you're on Vista then try disabling Aero as this should help. Also look at the refresh rate you have set in Camtasia. If none of that works then try recording smaller areas of your screen and see if that helps.

I just did some checking and Camtasia is very CPU intensive but the Q6600 should cope with it.
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I did some digging and found this. It seems you get problems if you're recording lots of moving data and Bet Angel has that.

Have a look at this and scroll down to the DivX section

Improve Recording Performance
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Thats great, thanks very much for that, much appreciated. I'll have a look through it all and hopefully get to the bottom of it.
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