The betting psychic

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Occasionally, especially, when racing is off due to bad weather, I lay the odd dog or two. Sometimes, when my wife is out for the evening, I might lay the odd dog then.

The one thing that I can tell you is that if you watch the pre-race betting, it's not that difficult to determine which way the odds on a given dog will move. I've found that the more you practice, the more accurate and faster you get. Doing a partial arb isn't, then, that difficult, especially if you are reasonably good at mental arithmetic.

As a result, you can, very often, lay very close to bookie's odds. Quite often, by getting a partial arb spot on, you can even lay at lower than bookie's odds.

Yep, it requires practice and effort. However, you only get out of this game what you put into it.

Psycho :evil:
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True. There isn't a lot of liquidity on the dogs. But, that isn't the same as no liquidity at all.

Psycho :evil:
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I used to trade the dogs before I started trading horses and I could easily manage about £20 profit in about 1&half hours. Not bad really for low liquidity, I was only using small stakes.

Plus its a good way to see if you really want to be a trader. But you have to be carefully when you first start as the odds are sometimes quite a way apart.


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Hi Jimmy

Nice post.

The thing that I've found is that if you can combine a good backing/laying system with trading, then you have got it cracked.

What I do, when I have the time, is to use Psycholaysdogs to identify a dog. Then, I watch the pre-race betting. If I spot that the odds on my selection will start to increase, I lay it then, when the odds increase, I do a partial trade.

If the trade doesn't come off, I'm still safe because it's unlikely that the dog will win anyway.

Why do a partial trade if the dog isn't going to win anyway?

It's a matter of obtaining value.

By backing low and betting high, you can lay close to, or even lay at less than, SP. If you can do that, then you are onto a winning system.

Psycho :twisted:
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I guess some of you are wondering why I post my results at SP and not Betfair odds.

Well, it ain't to make my results look better than they actually are (although it does). Basically, it's because at least the SP is indisputable. I could say, for example, that I layed a dog at Betfair at 7.0. Then, I'd get peeps stating that 7.0 was never available. Then, I'd have to explain that I got 7.0 by a back/lay combination i.e. through trading.

Quoting the SP saves all the hassle - that's all.

Actually, by quoting SP, I'm cutting my own throat because, very often, I manage to lay a lot of selections, through trading, at less than SP. That's when I get the time, that is.

Psycho :twisted:
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I may have missed something but I have looked through all your posts and all they seem to be about are your subscription service. Put another way they come across as SPAM.

I thought the advertising of tipping services etc were not allowed on this forum or as I said earlier, have I missed something?

I can't say I have read your whole website as I saw it was a £50 a month subscription and shut it down.

No doubt this bit of free advertising has picked you up some more subscriptions but I always thought Peter Webb was against these kind of 'systems'?

If I have got the wrong end of the stick I am sorry and feel free to continue to post about your service.

BetAngel - any clarification on this?
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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We have looked on it as spam but I don't think anybody on here is really in the market for this sort of thing? We will listen to the views of the community as to whether is should be removed or not as it was started as a non spam thread by a community member.
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Hi everyone

A couple of days ago, I was contacted by a friend of mine who sent me a link to this forum because my dog system had been mentioned. He felt that I should be afforded the right to defend my system and myself - for which I thank Bet Angel. However, without proof, defending my system is somewhat futile. I therefore had no choice other than to point the readers to the results of my system on my web site. That way, the good folk that frequent this forum are able to make up their own minds. Had I been able to achieve this in any other way, I would have.

Those who know me know that if someone asks a question and I am able to assist, I will.

My intention wasn't to spam.

Should Bet Angel feel that my posts should be removed, then so be it. However, if this is to be my fate, then I would request that all the posts on this topic be removed also since, IMHO, it is the only fair thing to do.

Regardless of Bet Angel's actions, if there are folks out there who need assistance and I can help, I will. It's the kind of guy that I am.

Psycho :twisted:
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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You are welcome to email us your selection in advance in a controlled manner and we will happily post up the results.

We just don't want the forum being used to promote third party products. As the thread wasn't started with this intention we don't feel it immediately falls into the spam category directly but that requires continuing goodwill from all posters.
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Bet Angel

Thank you for your understanding in this matter and for your kind offer to post up the results.

However, I will not be requiring this facility since:

1. I use Mean Reversion to determine when the winning phases of the system are due. At the moment, Mean Reversion indicates that the system ought to be in a losing phase. As such, the system is switched off until the next winning phase is detected. This could be days, weeks or even months away.

2. I already proof my selections elsewhere and have been doing so since 2007. Thank you for your offer anyway. It is much appreciated.

Kindest regards

Psycho :twisted:
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Do you put this on your website so people know not to waste their money subscribing when you are not going to be giving out tips?

Would hardly be fair to accept money off people if you knew you wouldn't be giving out any selections for perhaps months, don't you think?
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Hi Andy

My web site quite clearly states that when the system is switched off, customers are not charged.

If the system switches of mid-subscription, then I offer customers a choice: a refund on their unused subscription or the unused subscription is held over until the system switches on again. If there are no selections on a given day, I simply extend their membership by 1 day at my cost. My customers are now used to this.

The reason for switching the system off is because the system has detected the on-set of a losing period.

I have often been asked why I don't convert it into a backing system when it switches off. The reason is simple. Anyone who understands the mathematics of gambling will understand that if a laying system is losing, it may still lose when it is converted into a backing system and vice versa. There's an article on my web site which fully explains this.

I thought that I'd address this issue, just in case anyone asks.

I hope that this has addressed your question Andy.

Psycho :twisted:
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Quinny wrote:Okay, I will state here and now that I know this guy and have for 5 or 6 years, he does know what he is talking about.

Laugh at your peril because he would wipe the floor with you if you want to talk about laying horses. Maybe Maria could hold a conversation on his level but there are not many.

Paul, and that IS his real name has a very loyal following and has for many years, makes light of the psychic side but make no mistake that his mathematical understanding of laying is second to none. And I do mean none.

Don't believe me?

Put him to the test, I will even give you a personal intro but you will most definitely be eating humble pie.

If i knew as much about trading pre race as he does about laying horses
I would make AH look juvenile, and I am being totally sincere.

Quinny I appreciate all that you have said, however if this is all true and well why claim to have psychic abilities that give you an edge?

Perhaps Paul can answer this one, how do your psychic powers influence your picks? Can you not see how easy it is to draw in vulnerable people looking for an edge with this mystical psychic angle? Is it really necessary?
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My psychic abilities do not influence my picks. I never claimed they did. If you read my web site, it clearly states that I use a lot of maths in the selection process. I then apply my psychic abilities as a filter to get rid of some losing bets.

Anyone who knows anything about mathematical probabilities know that it is just that - a PROBABILITY - not a CERTAINTY.

Women 'just know' certain things. They call it women's intuition. A husband who ignores it does so at his own peril. And many have and lived to regret it. All I have is intuition that goes a bit further, that's all. AND I TRUST IT to the point where I'm prepared to put my money and my reputation on the line.

We all know, or should know, that ALL systems lose over the long term because of Betfair's approximately perfect market and the bookie's overround.

Well, Psycholaysdogs has been around since November 2006 churning out selections. Each year, the strike rate has slowly increased. I've had winning runs of 74 & 70 and a few over 60. The strike rate is over 90%. The tips have been proofed to a date/time stamped forum called horseracingsystemsuk since November 2006. The system has been independently tested by Martin Richardson of Freetipster. He ain't no fool.

Had the system only been around for 3 months, then OK. But it hasn't. IT's been around for 3 years on top of that.

Scoff all you want. But, the results don't look too shabby do they? At least, I don't think so.

I don't force anyone to use my system. People have freedom of choice.

I'm a bit of a sceptic when it comes to all of this psychic stuff. I don't even pretend to understand it. However, in my experience, my systems work better when I use it.

It's also very strange. The only people that complain about my system and my methods are those who don't subscribe, never have and probably never will.

Hey ho, such is life.

Psycho :twisted:
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Hi Psycho ; I started this topic. I haven't said that your system is necessarily a scam.. but, it seems to me that as soon as you talk about your 'psychic powers', anyone who is serious in this game will immediately close his browser's window.
So it sounds almost as if you didn't want serious people as your subscribers, which does, indeed, sound suspicious.
Anyway, I never intended to criticize you or your system ; I just had the feeling that most people in this forum would find the information funny... and laughing is healthy! I don't think they would've subscribed to your service anyway for the reasons posted above. So really, no harm intended.

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