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That`s not the problem. Every time a non trading thread gets a post it jumps to the top subsequently pushing all the others down. Pertinent threads disappear under the wave of irrelevant threads which is why the irrelevant need to be removed. Nothing to do with stopping on topic which should be a given anyway.
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Atho55 wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2023 1:20 pm
That`s not the problem. Every time a non trading thread gets a post it jumps to the top subsequently pushing all the others down. Pertinent threads disappear under the wave of irrelevant threads which is why the irrelevant need to be removed. Nothing to do with stopping on topic which should be a given anyway.
You didn't have a problem with Kai and Jimibt exchanging chit chat a few posts ago, it's just me!

What do you want me to do, bump up all the other threads every time I post?

Is it really difficult to use a scrollbar to scroll down the page? It's like turning the page of a book - we even have touch screens to make it easier!

I've only bumped up three topics and they will very soon drop down the list.

Edit: Okay, they haven't dropped down the list, but is it my fault nobody's posting to the forum? Is someone with something important to post about a race today thinking, fuck it, I'll wait until the racing thread hits the top of the forum and then I'll post it? :lol:
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A couple of tips for finding threads, sorry if I'm only stating the obvious. If the API goes down in a big way, I don't waste time finding the thread, I just click on a shortcut on my browser toolbar to take me straight there, but you could just as easily have a folder with shortcuts to all your commonly used threads.

If you want to post to the cricket thread, which is near the bottom of the second page right now, just type "cricket" in the forum search box and it's there.
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It's really not a complicated concept.

Markets need seed money before they can become active, threads need seed posts for the same reason.

Before 2017 it was Peter and a few others that always had to do it (look at the data?), giving everyone the opportunity to then create a discussion or contribute if they wanted to. They CLEARLY wanted to create a community and more than just a support forum for BA users, if they ever want to do the opposite I'm sure they will inform everyone, it's their forum and their rules. Yes, sometimes too much freedom in a democracy is not a perfect system.

And yes, all the issues that were raised long before this thread were valid and now through an organic process hopefully addressed and acknowledged, thread served its purpose afaik.

Instead of complaining to Dallas nobody is stopping you from self-moderating however you deem sensible, I would think the man has enough on his plate with CS and his own trading and private life.
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Kai wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:39 am
It's really not a complicated concept ...
Good post and funnily enough I was thinking this morning that if I was in PW's position I'd shut up shop and look after my BA staff and the known stalwarts. The hassles that this sort of thing brings to your life and business are not just worth it in terms of health, time and stress. Why do it if you don't have to ? Been there, done that and kept the t-shirt for me and mine.
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Kai wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:39 am
It's really not a complicated concept.

Markets need seed money before they can become active, threads need seed posts for the same reason.

Before 2017 it was Peter and a few others that always had to do it (look at the data?), giving everyone the opportunity to then create a discussion or contribute if they wanted to. They CLEARLY wanted to create a community and more than just a support forum for BA users, if they ever want to do the opposite I'm sure they will inform everyone, it's their forum and their rules. Yes, sometimes too much freedom in a democracy is not a perfect system.

And yes, all the issues that were raised long before this thread were valid and now through an organic process hopefully addressed and acknowledged, thread served its purpose afaik.

Instead of complaining to Dallas nobody is stopping you from self-moderating however you deem sensible, I would think the man has enough on his plate with CS and his own trading and private life.
"Instead of complaining to Dallas nobody is stopping you from self-moderating however you deem sensible, I would think the man has enough on his plate with CS and his own trading and private life."
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Moderating a forum is a tricky task, as you don't want to be seen to be guiding discussion or overruling it. So you have to let it have its own life and direction, within reason.

We prefer to let discussion flow freely, even if there are topics that perhaps shouldn't be on there. If you delete stuff or modify it, you are seen as biased.

There was even a post here, maybe a month ago, questioning if I actually traded or was successful. But even stuff like that we don't moderate so that people can see comments like that for what they are. If we moderate it, we could be accused of hiding it. Moderation is a catch 22 most of the time.

When a thread like this last popped up we split the forum into 'active topics' and 'active sports topics'.

We have monitored things since then to see the impact it has had and it's been very positive. Post and topic numbers and still pretty high and by and large people are able to choose whether they want to engage in non sports topics.

You rarely see me posting in the non sports topics as I find it a distraction. I can understand why people get emotive on some of these topics or some of the posts, but there is a simple answer and that is not to engage in them. Also, if you don't like a certain poster you can mute them, so that should temper your desire to engage.

I'm happy to look at further measures to separate out topics, so it should be possible to create trading only topics for example.

We are also constantly looking at how to migrate to a new format with additional features to help you navigate the considerable content here. So that's an ongoing process, but a complex one.

We've seen other forums dwindle to tiny numbers over the years while this one has gone from strength to strength, so we do intend trying to support the community as best we can.

I know from the feedback we get in support how helpful the forum is to everybody and that's thanks to the many contributions made by many members. So I want to personally thank you all for that. That requires a bit of tolerance from time to time, so I appreciate that also.
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Self moderation is key, unless theres abuse or harassment.

Swearing or arguing isn't nice to look at but its not illegal.

I suggest an 'Active help topics' if that can be implemented.
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Euler wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:55 am
Moderating a forum is a tricky task, as you don't want to be seen to be guiding discussion or overruling it. So you have to let it have its own life and direction, within reason.

We prefer to let discussion flow freely, even if there are topics that perhaps shouldn't be on there. If you delete stuff or modify it, you are seen as biased.

There was even a post here, maybe a month ago, questioning if I actually traded or was successful. But even stuff like that we don't moderate so that people can see comments like that for what they are. If we moderate it, we could be accused of hiding it. Moderation is a catch 22 most of the time.

When a thread like this last popped up we split the forum into 'active topics' and 'active sports topics'.

We have monitored things since then to see the impact it has had and it's been very positive. Post and topic numbers and still pretty high and by and large people are able to choose whether they want to engage in non sports topics.

You rarely see me posting in the non sports topics as I find it a distraction. I can understand why people get emotive on some of these topics or some of the posts, but there is a simple answer and that is not to engage in them. Also, if you don't like a certain poster you can mute them, so that should temper your desire to engage.

I'm happy to look at further measures to separate out topics, so it should be possible to create trading only topics for example.

We are also constantly looking at how to migrate to a new format with additional features to help you navigate the considerable content here. So that's an ongoing process, but a complex one.

We've seen other forums dwindle to tiny numbers over the years while this one has gone from strength to strength, so we do intend trying to support the community as best we can.

I know from the feedback we get in support how helpful the forum is to everybody and that's thanks to the many contributions made by many members. So I want to personally thank you all for that. That requires a bit of tolerance from time to time, so I appreciate that also.
Totally agree with all of this.

It would be nice to do something to temper the crass swearing and incessant name-calling though.
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I`m not so sure that Peter would be as laissez-faire about the forum if 1000 potential subscribers to the software had been put off by the recent posting events
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Atho55 wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:07 pm
I`m not so sure that Peter would be as laissez-faire about the forum if 1000 potential subscribers to the software had been put off by the recent posting events
I think Euler's post precised the forum and BA's strategy for it's management perfectly.

I'm still trying to rejuvenate my trading/betting/analyzing mojo, but the forum is a font of stuff beyond trading.
There are few idiots on here (including me). But there are strong opinions.
Should we adopt party etiquette - politics and religion are off the agenda?
Why would you not debate those issues with intelligent people (even if they disagree with you)?
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foxwood wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:13 am
Ironic how this thread started to go off the rails after a couple of pages
My thought absolutely! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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LeTiss wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:18 am
I've recently had a fall out with a significant poster here, which I apologise for (although he does annoy the fuckk out of me! :P )

However, I want to talk about this forum in general. As someone who joined this forum 13/14 years ago, I'm disappointed with the way it has gone.....which is partially why I'm not here much anymore

This forum is supposed to be about trading and everything relating to, or connected to it.
It's difficult to find good threads these days, without being distracted by shit like 'Rant Corner' or Twitter style fights on political threads.
Political threads are fine if they are connected to what's currently happening within the markets, but not the right vs left fights we see on Twitter......we are supposed to be traders here, regardless of how we vote. Trading is hard enough, without having posters putting you in a negative or frustrated mood because of their views. We often talk about the importance of psychology, so the last thing we need is for the forum itself to impact upon that. I am one of those people who finds it hard to walk away from those posts, so I invariably fuel the debate further by getting involved

I'd suggest to Dallas and Peter to start reining in the posts (including mine and Derek's etc..) that have bugger all to with political markets and are just confrontational personal views

Anyway, that's my moan for the day.....if someone suggests I should have put this into the 'rant corner' thread......fuckk off :lol:

Can't be many people who haven't had a falling out with Derek to be fair :) But without him there probably wouldn't be a forum either.

I can see your points but realistically the forum is only a mirror of it's members and if you want more trading related discussion someone is going to have to start them and nothing stopping you.

There's probably about 6 or 7 full time posters who are most likely full time traders too. No one's going to give away their tricks for free so the forum probably becomes a distraction from the boredom of trading and fills the gaps between races etc. If any trading post pops up from a newbie there's probably a rush to be first to respond with the general non committal advice so not like those posts get ignored.

At the end of the day the forum needs new blood and with Betfair doing nothing to promote the exchange it's probably down to Peter/Dallas to somehow bring them in, maybe if there's a splash screen on the app advertise it there or even do a Youtube post about the forum.
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LeTiss wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:18 am

Can't be many people who haven't had a falling out with Derek to be fair :) But without him there probably wouldn't be a forum either.

I can see your points but realistically the forum is only a mirror of it's members and if you want more trading related discussion someone is going to have to start them and nothing stopping you.

There's probably about 6 or 7 full time posters who are most likely full time traders too. No one's going to give away their tricks for free so the forum probably becomes a distraction from the boredom of trading and fills the gaps between races etc. If any trading post pops up from a newbie there's probably a rush to be first to respond with the general non committal advice so not like those posts get ignored.

At the end of the day the forum needs new blood and with Betfair doing nothing to promote the exchange it's probably down to Peter/Dallas to somehow bring them in, maybe if there's a splash screen on the app advertise it there or even do a Youtube post about the forum.
There was a very good forum before to be fair. Now I pop in once a month to witness consistent arguing - bragging and dummy spitting.

Betangel has so many good interesting features to try, but newbies aint gonna have a clue about because they wont wanna be here!!
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I still don't know what people were arguing about because I don't read those threads. Nobody flagged it either. It feels like newbies don't read those threads as we get nothing but good feedback from them about the forum.

There is a simple solution if you don't want to argue, don't participate. The tools are there. We have changed the forum a couple of times to make it easier to avoid those sorts of threads.

I can't stop people from arguing. But I also can't act as a headmaster. It's a community effort and I'm really grateful for those that make a positive contribution.
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