Guardian Switching...

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I think that the Guardian function is fantastic..
I switch 1 sec before the off to bet in play....(just have one worksheet connected via the main excel tab, as it is too slow if you have the multiple worksheet open)
The problem is when you get a day like today where the races are run out of sequence (Time)...the races either switch half way through the race..or miss them altogether...
Its not too bad if you are in front of the screen but ...but if you are not...

Is there any possibility that rather than switching it by could be switched when it notices that a market has gone in play? (Or is there any way I can do this currently by arranging the markets in Guardian?)
Any ideas please?
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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In the lastest build we modifed the behaviour of Guardian to detect when a market was no longer active, it now skips the market if it knows that it has finished.

Because of the cycle time we would suggest switching to markets with a bit oftime "padding" where possible.
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Thanks for that ...that will be an improvement..
I do try where possible to manipulate the start times in guardian where's just that in the summer there are often 36 races or more..and I have a number of Betangel my fingers have to work across the keyboards like Billy Wizz!

Maybe if you could put it on the list of "Possibles" for future enhancements (Ie From the drop down menu in Guardian.."Automatically switch betangel"...then have a tick box : Switch By:...with the choice of status or time..)
There must be a lot of people who run this whilst they are at I think it would be well received??
Thank you
Nero Tulip
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This is one related gripe I have with guardian. I like to set things up like you with single sheet switching. But this doesn't really work on US horse racing where races go off completely out of sequence. Often I have to up 7 different BetAngels running so I don't miss a race! Obviously this is grossly inefficient on the refresh front, I set them down at 3 seconds refresh rate so I don't incur charges, but I must miss out on a lot of opportunities.
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..Yep I can relate to that...

Here's an idea...Betangel; I dont know if this is feasible...but would it not be possible to hold a config file of some description (lets just say horse racing for now) on the master BA server...that lists all the races for the day. This file could be edited to reflect abandoned races/late starts by the support team...and then that config file to communicate with each Betangel instance and automatically update the start times etc...

I would pay extra for this service as a subscription if it were available...
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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I can see how that would work in the UK but from my experiance of the US racing the start times seem almost random.
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I tend not to trade the US markets (because currently they dont go inplay)...
Even it it were avail for the UK races..that would be a massive time saver..
..Anyway, thanks for the reply. One for the suggestion pile/future offering..
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An idea along a similar thread:

Is there any way to stop guardian updating a market several hours before it starts
i.e. i would like to add all the markets for a day (including the place / forecast markets as well as the win market) and have it cycle between these and link to excel, but i don't want it to switch through all the markets some of which aren't going to go in play for several hours as it would take too long to cycle through the whole list each time.

At the moment i have to keep on top of guardian and add in new markets for the next hour and delete out the old ones that have finished to stop the refresh cycling through everything.

So... can a feature be added if possible to tell guardian between what time to refresh a market (and for it automatically to stop refreshing once it realises it has been suspended / closed)

That would be awesome

Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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toptrader wrote:and delete out the old ones that have finished to stop the refresh cycling through everything.!
Guardian already does this. When it finds a market that is closed it automatically jumps to the next market and does not wait for the cycle time to elapse on that event. You need to be on the latest version of the software for this feature. It simply skips past closed markets, there is no need to keep deleting them.
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Any plans to do the first piece would be the real winner for me, so you could add all the markets for a day and not have guardian 'waste time' cycling through markets which aren't going live for several hours (especially for greyhounds where the activity is only in the last 5 minutes before the race)

PS excellent software!
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Yes I think that option would be great.

With that we could simply use one excel sheet (not a multiple one), where the only thing the guardian had to do was, switch to the market X minutes before the off using that sheet (it does alreay that), but then move on to the next market in list using same sheet.

Like this we would kill the all market cycle. Off course the actual option should be kept because some users may need to wacth several markets at one time.

But this option for me would be great since I could simply chose all markets of the day ONCE and guardian would keep jumping from market to market. This is great for greyhounds and horses.


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I think for those of us who would like to load 30/40 markets for different sports into Guardian at a go, and then link them to spreadsheets, the ability to set a start cycle time for each market loaded would be a huge benefit for automated trading. It would mean the multiple markets spreadsheet could be refreshed much more quickly and usefully for markets in the "active" timefame between cycle start and event finish, and would save a lot of needless data processing hours before an event starts :) :)
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Please please please can we have this feature - will happily pay for it :)

An alternative which could be more inclusive for other users would be only to have guardian refresh a market which has had more than £0 matched on it - then there would be no processing time wasted refreshing markets ages before they start

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