Turning a b/e betting-strategy into a profitable trading strategy

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No point getting riled up so easily over random stuff, it only invites more

And if JohnT mentioned that he's a pioneer himself or whatever he probably wouldn't get "patronizing" advice, people are only trying to help after all
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Men seek status, women seek to be desirable. Women seek men with status and men seek women who are desirable.

Men spend almost their entire lives in a status competition with other men given the ability of men to sire offspring throughout most of their post puberty life.

There are many ways that men seek to create status. One way is to be the best at something and demonstrate that through money or medals etc. Another way, particularly for an outsider, is to topple the king. It may not matter if the bid to topple the king is successful or unsuccessful- sometimes the attempt itself can create status (if only among a few of the kings subjects).

As competing for status is innate in men, the competition is fierce in almost every field, whether or not there are women present to immediately impress. Once status is created by a man that man can bring forth that status in a later opportunity to impress.

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