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Fully automatic trading using the Bet Angel Excel Spreadsheet

If you want to elevate your spreadsheet to the next level then you should try putting multiple IF statements in your spreadsheet. But you should also consider better use of the data part of the spreadsheet.
In the next example we are asking Bet Angel to automatically trade the market it is pointed at.
Let us describe what each cell is doing: -
Cell L9
“If all the money on the back side (cells E10 to G10) is higher than all the money on the lay side (cells H10 to J10) then put a LAY order in the market, else do nothing”
Cell M9
The current lay price
Cell N9
Initial IF statement -  =IF(G9<=3,-------------------------------,"")
If the current back price is less than or equal to 3 then perform the following calculation, else do nothing.
Nested IF statement -  =--------,IF(G9<2,100,IF(G9<3,50,"")),--)
If the current back price is less than 2 then use a stake value of 100 else if the current back price is less than 3 then use a stake of 50.