Bookmakers in the news.

General chatter about that dark and cold world of only back betting.
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Posts: 366
Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:28 pm

You can post nice comments about bookies in here....... if you can find any!

But for starters - just to set the tone.

You and Yours
Online bookies appear to be encouraging problem gamblers to play again by making them VIP members. Is rewarding a gambler who's betting large sums with free spins and trips away risky? And how do they ensure that their subsequent behaviour isn't problematic?

Just the first 10 mins - it's worth a listen :roll:
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Posts: 24931
Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:39 pm
Location: Bet Angel HQ

You will know you are in real trouble if you get invited to an event as you must be a net loser. Winners don't get invited, even on Betfair.
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