Tiger Woods

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Crazyskier wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:06 pm
sionascaig wrote:
Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:02 pm
Crazyskier wrote:
Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:18 pm

Adultery is just as sinful today as it ever was. It's an absolute betrayal of one's spouse, and always will be. To even suggest otherwise is to indulge in self-deception of the worst kind.

In European nations, marriage was traditionally considered a civil institution. ... Christians began to have their marriages conducted by ministers in Christian gatherings, but it was in the 12th century that the Roman Catholic Church formally defined marriage as a sacrament, sanctioned by God

==> so in the context of "christian" values really nothing to do with the church until they decided to take control of marriage and make it a sin to have sexual relations outside wedlock... This is about power & control & nothing to do with "values" no matter how they market it.

Betrayal of your spouse is betrayal - there is absolutely no reason to bring "christianity" into it...
Actually this is a fair point, assuming 'civil' ceremonies have the same VOWS as Church weddings. I concur that betrayal of anyone in an exclusive relationship is indeed a betrayal, but it seems somehow more of a betrayal when that person happens to be your wife that you have VOWED IN FRONT OF GOD AND MEN to cherish and 'forsake all others'.

As Tiger was married at Sandy Lane in Barbados, I have no idea what vows he took or what part (if any) the Church played in the ceremony, but my point remains about the 'HOLY Matrimony' being a stronger - indeed, the strongest - commitment, ergo any betrayal being even worse for those married in the eyes of God. And what made Tiger's betrayal particularly galling was that Sam was 2 and Charlie had literally just been born a matter of days before!

Seems he's a practising but faulty Buddhist, so Christianity is off the agenda if adherence to religion is your point. I could rattle on about religion in general. The formation of the Anglican church, for example. But I'm agnostic so there's no point. All I'd say is most religions have laudable values. Sadly, even Buddhism has been used for an excuse for violence. But also religion has motivated a lot of people to be incredibly selfless. The duality of life, I guess. And Tiger embodies that. Exceptional, dedicated - flawed, debauched.
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greenmark wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:40 pm
But I'm agnostic so there's no point.
Agnostic?! What a cop out! :P
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Trader Pat wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:48 pm
greenmark wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:40 pm
But I'm agnostic so there's no point.
Agnostic?! What a cop out! :P
Not really. Essentially protestant, swerved to Jehovah's Witness. Discovered JW local mentors wouldn't condone blood transfusion for a close relative. That was the end of that. I'm interested in religion and its sociological roots and impacts. And I'm agnostic because I can't look around me and believe this is all accidental. But I baulk at the concept of 2 places of heaven and hell that we go to. Or that there is an almighty power that will smite me should I transgress. But I also envy people that have faith.
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greenmark wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:01 pm
Trader Pat wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:48 pm
greenmark wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:40 pm
But I'm agnostic so there's no point.
Agnostic?! What a cop out! :P
Not really. Essentially protestant, swerved to Jehovah's Witness. Discovered JW local mentors wouldn't condone blood transfusion for a close relative. That was the end of that. I'm interested in religion and its sociological roots and impacts. And I'm agnostic because I can't look around me and believe this is all accidental. But I baulk at the concept of 2 places of heaven and hell that we go to. Or that there is an almighty power that will smite me should I transgress. But I also envy people that have faith.

I was always an athiest even as a kid, never believed any of it. I couldn't reconcile how you reach a certain age and are supposed to stop believing in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus but still believe in God just because a load of other people do.

Religion is obviously geographical so muslims, christians Hindu's etc... all believe their religion is the best and don't see any irony seeing it that way. I'd have more respect for someone who seeks out and looks to experience other religions like you're talking about but would never feel envy for somebody who has faith as you put it. I have faith too but in people not in deities. My mother has a deep faith and before lockdown I brought her to mass every Sunday so I'd never slag off somebodies belief in God because I can see the comfort it can bring.

Like most things in life I suppose its fine on a personal level but once you start trying to force your beliefs on others that where the problems begin.
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Trader Pat wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:37 pm
greenmark wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:01 pm
Trader Pat wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:48 pm

Agnostic?! What a cop out! :P
Not really. Essentially protestant, swerved to Jehovah's Witness. Discovered JW local mentors wouldn't condone blood transfusion for a close relative. That was the end of that. I'm interested in religion and its sociological roots and impacts. And I'm agnostic because I can't look around me and believe this is all accidental. But I baulk at the concept of 2 places of heaven and hell that we go to. Or that there is an almighty power that will smite me should I transgress. But I also envy people that have faith.

I was always an athiest even as a kid, never believed any of it. I couldn't reconcile how you reach a certain age and are supposed to stop believing in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus but still believe in God just because a load of other people do.

Religion is obviously geographical so muslims, christians Hindu's etc... all believe their religion is the best and don't see any irony seeing it that way. I'd have more respect for someone who seeks out and looks to experience other religions like you're talking about but would never feel envy for somebody who has faith as you put it. I have faith too but in people not in deities. My mother has a deep faith and before lockdown I brought her to mass every Sunday so I'd never slag off somebodies belief in God because I can see the comfort it can bring.

Like most things in life I suppose its fine on a personal level but once you start trying to force your beliefs on others that where the problems begin.
Patrick, very few people of faith truly believe 'their religion is best'. Far from it, most of us view other religions as simply God by another name. As you openly accept, the values in most belief systems are generally charitable and loving.

With Freemasonry for example, any male of age, with a belief in a Supreme Being and good character can be considered for entry. Only last year I was present at a Sikh 2nd degree ceremony, where the chap swore on his own Holy Book, rather than the Bible. This is just one of many examples of people of one faith respecting the God(s) of others.

And to your last point, no-one here is trying to 'force their beliefs on others' we're simply giving a balanced view of Tiger Woods's behaviour and correcting those who think he's some kind of superhero. On the course, sure. In real life, as a human being? NOPE.

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Crazyskier wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:47 pm
Patrick, very few people of faith truly believe 'their religion is best'. Far from it, most of us view other religions as simply God by another name. As you openly accept, the values in most belief systems are generally charitable and loving.
There can only be one son of god, surely?

If everything in the bible's true, is the Quran full of BS? Does it correlate to the bible?
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Why I Am a Christian (David Wood, Former Atheist's Conversion Testimony)
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Derek27 wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:29 pm
Crazyskier wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:47 pm
Patrick, very few people of faith truly believe 'their religion is best'. Far from it, most of us view other religions as simply God by another name. As you openly accept, the values in most belief systems are generally charitable and loving.
There can only be one son of god, surely?

If everything in the bible's true, is the Quran full of BS? Does it correlate to the bible?
1) Even cynical Atheists accept that Jesus Christ lived and was killed by the Romans on Pontius Pilate's orders 2021 years ago. There's an abundance of historical evidence and records attesting to this fact. The 'faith' element is whether you choose to believe he was indeed the Son of God or not.

2) Have you read the Qur'an? Or studied any thoelogy at all, to any degree? Islam and indeed ALL Abrahamic religions acknowledge that Christ was born sinless to the Virgin Mary and as such they revere him. Yes, even Muslims. It makes interesting reading if you have a genuine curiosity Derek. There is far more to unite rather than divide us.

PS - We'll all know for sure in fewer than 90 years : - )

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Crazyskier wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:39 pm
Derek27 wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:29 pm
Crazyskier wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:47 pm
Patrick, very few people of faith truly believe 'their religion is best'. Far from it, most of us view other religions as simply God by another name. As you openly accept, the values in most belief systems are generally charitable and loving.
There can only be one son of god, surely?

If everything in the bible's true, is the Quran full of BS? Does it correlate to the bible?
1) Even cynical Atheists accept that Jesus Christ lived and was killed by the Romans on Pontius Pilate's orders 2021 years ago. There's an abundance of historical evidence and records attesting to this fact. The 'faith' element is whether you choose to believe he was indeed the Son of God or not.

2) Have you read the Qur'an? Or studied any thoelogy at all, to any degree? Islam and indeed ALL Abrahamic religions acknowledge that Chris was born sinless to the Virgin Mary and as such they revere him. Yes, even Muslims. It makes interesting reading if you have a genuine curiosity Derek.

PS - We'll all know for sure in fewer than 90 years : - )

1) I didn't realise Jesus was crucified when he was 3 years old. ;)

2) Obviously not, that's why I was asking you if it correlates to the bible. By correlate, I don't mean facts like the sun rises every day, winter is very cold or Jesus existed. FK's how many pages there are in these two books. I was just wondering if these two books are about the same god, are they similar stories like an original film and its remake?

I'm not genuinely curious because I'm pretty sure I know the answer. They are both fairy tales about a higher being because at the time there wasn't any science to explain how we came to be here. A higher being was an easy pick, but there were many ways of writing a story about it.
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Derek27 wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:50 pm
Crazyskier wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:39 pm
Derek27 wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:29 pm

There can only be one son of god, surely?

If everything in the bible's true, is the Quran full of BS? Does it correlate to the bible?
1) Even cynical Atheists accept that Jesus Christ lived and was killed by the Romans on Pontius Pilate's orders 2021 years ago. There's an abundance of historical evidence and records attesting to this fact. The 'faith' element is whether you choose to believe he was indeed the Son of God or not.

2) Have you read the Qur'an? Or studied any thoelogy at all, to any degree? Islam and indeed ALL Abrahamic religions acknowledge that Chris was born sinless to the Virgin Mary and as such they revere him. Yes, even Muslims. It makes interesting reading if you have a genuine curiosity Derek.

PS - We'll all know for sure in fewer than 90 years : - )

1) I didn't realise Jesus was crucified when he was 3 years old. ;)

2) Obviously not, that's why I was asking you if it correlates to the bible. By correlate, I don't mean facts like the sun rises every day, winter is very cold or Jesus existed. FK's how many pages there are in these two books. I was just wondering if these two books are about the same god, are they similar stories like an original film and its remake?

I'm not genuinely curious because I'm pretty sure I know the answer. They are both fairy tales about a higher being because at the time there wasn't any science to explain how we came to be here. A higher being was an easy pick, but there were many ways of writing a story about it.

The bible contradicts itself many times over that's why so many people can take so many meanings from it.

I can accept that Jesus was most likely a real person but he was most likely just one of many many so called prophets probably best summed up by Monty Python in the Life of Brian https://youtu.be/hmyuE0NpNgE

Christianity got its big break when Emperor Constantine converted. I imagine him to be a Donald Trump like figure of his day, he probably thought these Christians would make a good reality theatre show!

As for the immaculate conception.....
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:lol: I think I've seen the stand up before but I'll have to watch Life Of Brian again, don't remember that scene. My favourite bit was when the wrong man was nailed to a cross after a convict handed him his cross and buggered off, and he said to the Romans, "will you take me down if he comes back". :)
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It's one of the few movies I can watch over and over again! Makes me laugh out loud every single time :D
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Trader Pat wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:52 pm

It's one of the few movies I can watch over and over again! Makes me laugh out loud every single time :D
One of my comedic heroes was Spike Milligan (as well as the Pythons).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1iVdLS ... mb_rel_end

This link has nothing to do with Tiger, Religion Monty Python. It just made me chuckle. Spike's anarchic humour is something I've not seen since.
Anyone that can get away with referring to the future King as a 'grovelling bastard' and not get locked up, has to be a bit of a genius.
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all this bible talk reminded me of this :)

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jimibt wrote:
Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:28 am
all this bible talk reminded me of this :)

That is very distasteful Jim, speaking as a practicing Catholic ,

This is a sports forum so let's have respect , and try and keep it to a sports forum, and keep your beliefs to yourself Jimibt.

Actually this should have been deleted by betangel, as slagging of people religion has nothing to do with trading sports,

I am disgusted

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