Emerging Runner Servant help please

Servants, just tap your bell to call them.
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Hi there,

I have created an Emerging Runner (ER) servant and I have a couple of questions if anyone would be kind eough to advise and help me out with some queries I have.

So the ER servant I wanted to place a back bet on an ER on 'any selection' that meets my criteria. I wanted it to place the bet 5 custom ticks below the best market price at a fixed amount of £20, with offset with greening by 30 ticks. I am using a Historic Relative Odds condition on 'any selection' where that selection's back price is now less than the same 'any selection' back price 3 seconds ago, minus 10 ticks.

I have attached 3 pictures to show how I have set my servant up. I have also attached a picture of how I have attached my servant to the keyboard shortcut using the space bar to action the servant when I see an ER making a move.

The questions I have are as follows:

1. Sometimes when I press the space bar the servant doesn't action and sometimes it does. I was under the impression that you could action a servant and then it would look for the first horse in this case to meet my condition and then fire my back bet in and if none do meet the condition fair enough, but surely if I press the space bar at any point, regardless of if the condition is met, the servant should launch and at least look for the condition. So effectively as soon as the space bar is pressed, I should hear the 'ping' noise and the bellboy should change colour and this isn't always happenning and I can't understand why?

2. I have set the servant to work on the first runner that meets the condition, yet if I have my mouse over the one click screen it will fire the servant on whichever runner my mouse cursor is on, but I have selected 'any selection' when I have set the servant up, so surely it should be firing it on any runner rather than where my mouse is placed. This has meant I am having to have my cursor off the one click screen when watching the race incase I need to hit the space bar at some point to launch the ER servant, but this is meaning I cant watch for quick lay opportunities on the fav as I can't have my mouse cursor on it otherwise the space bar will then action the servant on that particular runner as opposed to any selection. I think this maybe down to when I have set the space bar as my shortcut I have to select 'Start an Automation Servant (using mouse as context)', as there is no other option on how to start the servant. If this is the case, how do I set the space bar as the shortcut, but still be able to have my mouse cursor on other runners for other strategies I have and for the space bar to fire the ER servant on any selction that meets my condition and not where the mouse cursor is on the one click screen?

3.When a servant launches in this case, does it only look for the condition from the exact point when I launched the servant and not before?

If anyone can help me out here, I would be most grateful.

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Nice to see a detailed post rather than just a 'my bot didn't fire what's wrong?' :)

From what you've said and the screenshots supplied the servant is actually working properly but to answer your questions in turn and clarify a few things see below

1) You are correct in that you should hear the 'ping' when you start the servant (press your space bar), to notify you its either pending or active (yellow or green dot) depending on the rule arm times, as your rule is always armed you'll only ever see a green dot after starting it

The reason you won't always be hearing a ping is the trading screen needs to be 'in focus' when you press your shortcut key. If you've been clicking on other windows just prior your main trading screen although visible might not be the one in focus.
ie, if you have the in-play trader screen open and clicked somewhere on it that will be the in-focus window even though you can still see the one-click screen beside it
To bring it into focus just click anywhere on a unused area ie, around the one-click grid, on the main banner etc prior to the race starting and that will ensure you'll always here the ping when the servant is started.

2) Your rule is set up fine and will target any runner however you do need to start the servant on one of the runners, so it doesn't matter which you have your cursor hovering over when you start it, and the dot will appear next to that runner but even though its started on that runner your rule is still looking for ANY selection to emerge and will trigger on the one that does.
In short the servant has to be started on one runner and the dot will appear, but it will only trigger exclusively on that runner IF you've applied it to 'Servant context'

3) If the market has been on your screen it will look for the movement from before, so you could start it and a runner may already be emerging and be 8 ticks shorter than it was a second ago (before you started the servant), this selection would then just need to shorten 2 more ticks in the next 2 seconds to trigger it
Posts: 28
Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:25 pm

Thanks Dallas. That's explained it all for me clearly.

Thank you
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