Moving to the UK

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So i recently decided that in 12 months il be moving to the UK to start my full time trading career. Ive tried trading full time here in Australia but it can be very tiring starting at 8pm and trading through to sometimes 8 or 9am the following day, 5 to 6 days a week. I could never get the hang of trying to sleep 5 to 6 hrs during the day no matter how tired i was. I also jumped into the deep end going fulltime with very very little savings to fall back on. So the past 6months ive been back working in the horse racing industry and in 12 months time i will have 6-9months worth of wages saved and a healthy BF account balance to make the move. The other reason and probably the main reason I have dual citizenship(thankyou mother) and love traveling there so i want to experience living there. I love the weather(im weird like that) I love football and there racing and i think i wont be distracted as much from my trading as i do get in Australia.(also stopped my full time attempt spend more then i was making)

My questions are (Hopefully someone has an answer/advice)
1. Do i have to open up a new Betfair UK account to use the exchange long term in the UK? I was there for a month 4 years ago and could use my australian account fine but long term may be different and im going to have to add a UK address and bank details.

2. Any Australians moved over to the UK to take up full time trading? Did you find getting an apartment house etc easy without a full time job (im hoping having a healthy bank account will cover that)

3. Im thinking of moving north, I follow hull in football(I always pick teams with a tiger in there emblem) So some where between there and liverpool. $$$ wise hull seems very reasonable around 500-600 pound pcm. Thats my budget till i start making some serious cash. Any residents of the UK have any opinions of the north areas?

Thanks for anyones input would be a huge help.
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Cannylodge wrote:
Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:55 am
So i recently decided that in 12 months il be moving to the UK to start my full time trading career. Ive tried trading full time here in Australia but it can be very tiring starting at 8pm and trading through to sometimes 8 or 9am the following day, 5 to 6 days a week. I could never get the hang of trying to sleep 5 to 6 hrs during the day no matter how tired i was. I also jumped into the deep end going fulltime with very very little savings to fall back on. So the past 6months ive been back working in the horse racing industry and in 12 months time i will have 6-9months worth of wages saved and a healthy BF account balance to make the move. The other reason and probably the main reason I have dual citizenship(thankyou mother) and love traveling there so i want to experience living there. I love the weather(im weird like that) I love football and there racing and i think i wont be distracted as much from my trading as i do get in Australia.(also stopped my full time attempt spend more then i was making)

My questions are (Hopefully someone has an answer/advice)
1. Do i have to open up a new Betfair UK account to use the exchange long term in the UK? I was there for a month 4 years ago and could use my australian account fine but long term may be different and im going to have to add a UK address and bank details.

2. Any Australians moved over to the UK to take up full time trading? Did you find getting an apartment house etc easy without a full time job (im hoping having a healthy bank account will cover that)

3. Im thinking of moving north, I follow hull in football(I always pick teams with a tiger in there emblem) So some where between there and liverpool. $$$ wise hull seems very reasonable around 500-600 pound pcm. Thats my budget till i start making some serious cash. Any residents of the UK have any opinions of the north areas?

Thanks for anyones input would be a huge help.
You may be better off asking Betfair about their rules for relocating and keeping or opening a new account.

Assuming you're not questioning whether landlords discriminate against Australians ;) , many landlords require tenants to be in full-time employment, some require a salary X times your rent, while others will accept a guarantor. I had a nightmare finding a place 13 years ago even though I offered to pay six months in advance. Perhaps pop over on a temporary basis without committing until you've got a place to stay?
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Thanks Derek27, I thought that might be the case with rentals. I asked betfair 2 weeks ago about the account but as usual with betfair support im yet to get a reply. Its funny 2 weeks no reply but in December last year when on a very drunk mates 30th i accidently had 5000 on a football game(meant to be 500) they were happy to call me 2 days later to ask if i had a gambling problem. I told them "No, just a drinking problem" They put my account on hold for 7 days while they 'investigated' my betting history.
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It can sometimes difficult to rent a place in the UK, my neice started a new job after leaving university and she had to put down 12 months rent in advance. Luckily all the family chipped in to help, if she had taken out a loan for it then that would have gone against her too for afordability reasons.

Slightly different topic but I don't understand why the UK doesnt follow some scandinavian countries which have strict rent controls so landlords cant charge what they like as its set at a national level per square metre etc. That would piss off allot of London landlords. :D
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Cannylodge wrote:
Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:06 pm
Thanks Derek27, I thought that might be the case with rentals. I asked betfair 2 weeks ago about the account but as usual with betfair support im yet to get a reply. Its funny 2 weeks no reply but in December last year when on a very drunk mates 30th i accidently had 5000 on a football game(meant to be 500) they were happy to call me 2 days later to ask if i had a gambling problem. I told them "No, just a drinking problem" They put my account on hold for 7 days while they 'investigated' my betting history.
Fuck! I hope they don't find out about my drinking. :lol:
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Just gone through the finding a flat without a job for a family member recently relocated here.

Options included;
Having a guarantor (guarantor needs to be earning £75k+ and be a home owner)
Putting down six months in advance
Or having net savings 2.5 x the yearly rent
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deestar wrote:
Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:40 pm
Just gone through the finding a flat without a job for a family member recently relocated here.

Options included;
Having a guarantor (guarantor needs to be earning £75k+ and be a home owner)
Putting down six months in advance
Or having net savings 2.5 x the yearly rent
That's interesting. 13 years ago I could have qualified on the 2nd and 3rd option. My brother guaranteed the tenancy but he wasn't a homeowner. I hope that's your problem solved.

I'm half-minded to do a swap with you, I'd love to live in Australia. :)
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Living here is great for life style but when 90% of trading is on Uk and european sport it can lead to alot of overnight trading and that eliminates the great life style you can live here. Im going to wait another to years as it looks like it could be alot more expensive then i thought to move over there.
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