Eurovision 2023

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This seems to have crept up quickly seeing as we are hosting it I've not even heard much about it so far

Not something I have taken much interest in during recent years but will be taking a look this year
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Dallas wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 11:00 am
This seems to have crept up quickly seeing as we are hosting it I've not even heard much about it so far

Not something I have taken much interest in during recent years but will be taking a look this year
Yes, though we came second last year (Sam was robbed by understandable public sentiment due to the invasion by Russia of Ukraine), we're hosting on behalf of the winners, Ukraine.

It's a great shame that our supposedly 'British' entry made such appalling political remarks during COVID.

I do think that we could have chosen a better representative of the UK, though I understand it was the BBC that chose this year's entrant, rather than the usual public vote, which goes some way as to why such a divisive character has been chosen. It will be interesting to see if she achieves anything but 'nul points'.

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Crazyskier wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 1:50 pm
. It will be interesting to see if she achieves anything but 'nul points'.
It's a much better tune than that horrible shreeking thing Sam what's-his-name did. I'd have thought their support for the rainbow community would bother you more than a trivial comments about the govt or covid.
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 2:25 pm
Crazyskier wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 1:50 pm
. It will be interesting to see if she achieves anything but 'nul points'.
It's a much better tune than that horrible shreeking thing Sam what's-his-name did. I'd have thought their support for the rainbow community would bother you more than a trivial comments about the govt or covid.
Actually I quite liked the Spaceman song, it was a massive vocal performance and deserved the many votes it achieved, in my view.

And I have to say that if you research the political / COVID comments made by this year's entrant, you will see that they weren't 'trivial' by any metric. They were absolutely vile and repugnant. Lets hope her performance can go some way to redeem her.

And yes, Shaun, the homosexual brigade do rather seem to have adopted the competition as their own, much as they appropriated the word 'gay' and the rainbow icon. Not helped of course, by having Mr. camp himself, Graham Norton take the UK televised hosting show from Sir Michael Terence Wogan. And then come the likes of Rylan and Scott Mills. All of whom (excluding Terry) are unashamed sodomites that have been over-promoted by the licence-fee sucking Beeb, in an attempt to to push their minority rights agenda.

A sad sign of the times in which we live, I guess. Oh well, it should be entertaining if nothing else.

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Crazyskier wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 3:19 pm
Oh well, it should be entertaining if nothing else.
:) You're outspokenly disaproving of the entrants, the presenters, the messaging, and the lifestyle of almost everyone in the audience, but not enough to miss out on being entertained? You're a very confusing person. I don't watch the Grand National because I disapprove, maybe I should lower my standards and just enjoy the show. Walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk.
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I haven't seen much of this years entrants but I thoroughly enjoyed it last year.
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Naffman wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 5:36 pm
I haven't seen much of this years entrants but I thoroughly enjoyed it last year.
I think it'll be lacking a bit of that 'weird' Europeanness. And the usual 2 or 3 hot female presenters changing outfits between acts and their endearing English pronunciations. Good fun though.
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 5:50 pm

I think it'll be lacking a bit of that 'weird' Europeanness.
That's what she said.
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 5:16 pm
Crazyskier wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 3:19 pm
Oh well, it should be entertaining if nothing else.
:) You're outspokenly disaproving of the entrants, the presenters, the messaging, and the lifestyle of almost everyone in the audience, but not enough to miss out on being entertained? You're a very confusing person. I don't watch the Grand National because I disapprove, maybe I should lower my standards and just enjoy the show. Walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk.
I'm not calling for a boycott. Simply expressing opinions. Sadly, I'm one of the seemingly few that still pay the licence fee, despite my misgivings over the atrocious BBC's wokeness of late, and therefore I feel a sense of entitlement to actually watch the show and take what enjoyment one might gain from the spectacle. It's a long-standing tradition. Albeit a rather overly 'camp' one of late.

Also, I don't agree that 'almost everyone in the audience' bat for the other side, as you seem to suggest. There are plenty of heterosexuals that enjoy Eurovision and have done since Sir Cliff was robbed back in the late 60s. :shock:

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Crazyskier wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 6:12 pm
wokeness of late
I'm not going to wreck this thread but "wokeness" is compassion, sensitivity, kindness and understanding. Perhaps in excess, sometimes misguided, but in principal. It's a complement not an insult.
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Haven't watched it for many years, used to enjoy the vote as a kid. Just does not appeal any more.

Never watched any of the Coronation either, I did however watch the 2000 Guineas despite having no trades/bets on it. I'm quite good at deciding for myself what I can do without in life.
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 7:25 pm
Crazyskier wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 6:12 pm
wokeness of late
I'm not going to wreck this thread but "wokeness" is compassion, sensitivity, kindness and understanding. Perhaps in excess, sometimes misguided, but in principal. It's a complement not an insult.
WHAT? The wokerati are the ones that shout down anyone not sharing their twisted ideology, then try to 'cancel' them. They never debate or consider any viewpoint other than their own in my experience - the very opposite of compassionate or understanding!

Just look at recent events including DEATH THREATS surrounding JK Rowling or Sharron Davies or any of the many other examples of people being shut down due to having an opposing viewpoint to the wokesters and being brave enough to voice it. Hell, Piers Morgan even got fired simply for calling out Megan's lies.

Cancel culture is a blight on society and we'll agree to differ on this one.

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Crazyskier wrote:
Sun May 07, 2023 1:46 pm

WHAT? The wokerati are the ones that shout down anyone not sharing their twisted ideology, then try to 'cancel' them. They never debate or consider any viewpoint other than their own in my experience - the very opposite of compassionate or understanding!

Cancel culture is a blight on society and we'll agree to differ on this one.

By your definition that will make the the police, home office and government a bunch of wokes for attempting to cancel the Not My King protests.

And don't forget those limp wristed wokes that pulled down the statues of Stalin & Gaddafi...

I vote your post as contender for the most moronic thing yet said on forum.

edit - oops, sorry, didn't realise this was the euro thread... thought it was rant
Last edited by sionascaig on Sun May 07, 2023 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Crazyskier wrote:
Sun May 07, 2023 1:46 pm
ShaunWhite wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 7:25 pm
Crazyskier wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 6:12 pm
wokeness of late
I'm not going to wreck this thread but "wokeness" is compassion, sensitivity, kindness and understanding. Perhaps in excess, sometimes misguided, but in principal. It's a complement not an insult.
WHAT? The wokerati are the ones that shout down anyone not sharing their twisted ideology, then try to 'cancel' them. They never debate or consider any viewpoint other than their own in my experience - the very opposite of compassionate or understanding!

Just look at recent events including DEATH THREATS surrounding JK Rowling or Sharron Davies or any of the many other examples of people being shut down due to having an opposing viewpoint to the wokesters and being brave enough to voice it. Hell, Piers Morgan even got fired simply for calling out Megan's lies.

Cancel culture is a blight on society and we'll agree to differ on this one.

Don't tarnish everybody with the same brush. Just because JK Rowling got death threats it doesn't mean anyone who agrees with what she said (don't even know what it was) wouldn't be disgusted by those threats.
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