Betfair Linking To Non 'Bet Angel' Prefaced Worksheets

Discussion regarding the spreadsheet functionality of Bet Angel.
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My previously smoothly running excel automation has caught a cold today. When I connect to a market not only does the market info populate the "Bet Angel" worksheet, it's now finding a way to connect to my "Trigger" worksheet. Bizarre. Any ideas? Thanks. Oh, it's been working fine for weeks and as far I as know I've changed nothing today compared to yesterday.
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Close Excel & BA, restart. Not an exciting answer I know but worth a try.

Once or twice when I've been connected, and opened another spreadsheet, I've had the connected sheet misbehave (but never had it connect to a different one like you're getting)
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Thanks Shaun, I've tried that.

The funny thing is the A1 cell in the worksheet called "Trigger" doesn't populate with the market ID until I enter something into the spreadsheet - then, bang, everything links. The "Bet Angel" worksheet immediately populates when I "connect" as usual. Hmn.
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until I enter something into the spreadsheet
Sounds like you've got a change event in your sheet? possibly modified it recently?
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Plenty of change events, for sure. Multiple timed events on specific selections within a range of prices ... but ... no changes made to the coding since yesterday (or for the past month for that matter). I just type in the name of the selection (horse) into what should be an empty cell - doing this now immediately connects the spreadsheet (tab name "Trigger") to the market ... cell A1 becomes active and displays the market ID code. Doh!
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Does sound like the sheet is in a state waiting for an input, have you checked things like calcualtion options in excel set to automatic etc. Might be worth you getting the sheet running ok, check debugging to renable events etc then re-saving and quitting excel, then restarting both to see if it's any settings that may have maybe been autosaved in a 'frozen' state
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Okay so I've found a fix for this and thought I'd share it because someone else might run into the same problem. All I did was "protect" the worksheet with only my input cells being accessible. This solves it for me. I do suspect there is an underlying issue I need to get to, but for now this works fine.

Thanks for the all suggestions ...
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Well my fix didn't fix things for long.

The problem boils down to this. The tab I use to enter my variables into ... named "Trigger" ... is picking up the market information. Of course, this tab should be invisible to Bet Angel because it doesn't begin with the text 'Bet Angel'. The market information on the supposedly invisible "Trigger" tab only populates when I enter something into the spread sheet in a cell where the market feed info should appear. All a bit frustrating to be honest. Any further help or suggestions would be appreciated.
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What do you mean by "tab" in the line "Of course, this tab should be invisible to Bet Angel because it doesn't begin with the text 'Bet Angel'. "

When programs connect to excel they connect to the workbook not the individual worksheet within a workbook, the coding within each sheet determines what happens to the data but also means any coding or errors on each sheet or eve if any sheet being manually updated will effectively freeze the connection with BA and the workbook.
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If you have code in your tabs that acts upon events and calls a sub routine have you included the sheet name as well?

Code: Select all

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

SheetNme = Me.Name

Call mysub

End Sub
then in your macro it would be:

Code: Select all

Public SheetNme As String

Sub mysub()

With Sheets(SheetNme)
.Range("A2") = "OK"
.Range("B3") = "123"

'and so on

End With

End Sub
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Bet Angel
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Just an update for this thread. The latest Microsoft update to Excel 2016 has caused these issues and we are investigating further.
Anyone affected can rollback the update by using the following in a command prompt:

pushd %programfiles%\common files\microsoft shared\clicktorun
officec2rclient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.8730.2127
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Thanks @BetAngel. I have also been suffering from this problem - although only twice I think, but in both cases I had to close my spreadsheet and reopen it.
I only registered for the BetAngel forum yesterday (although I have been playing with automated Excel spreadsheet betting for a couple years now), and have already benefited from reading the forum.
I have restored back to the previous version of Excel so hopefully I won't continue to have problems.
Do I need to do something to prevent Excel automatically updating itself again?
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ExcelBet wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:13 pm
Do I need to do something to prevent Excel automatically updating itself again?
In Excel 2016, if you click on 'File' and then 'Account', there's a button labelled 'Office Updates' where you can choose whether to allow updates or not.
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As has been mentioned, the issue arises from the latest Microsoft (Feb) update of Excel. I've rolled back my version to the previous (Dec) update and all works well again.

Thanks to the Bet Angel technical bods for pointing me in this direction ... I'm sure they'll have a 'fix' in due course.
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Bet Angel wrote:
Thu Feb 08, 2018 9:49 am
ExcelBet wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:13 pm
Do I need to do something to prevent Excel automatically updating itself again?
In Excel 2016, if you click on 'File' and then 'Account', there's a button labelled 'Office Updates' where you can choose whether to allow updates or not.
And I can confirm that I didn't have any problems today after rolling back to the previous version.
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