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mister man
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I would like to see, the software/features usage demonstrated in redeeming a position gone wrong.

Trading isnt a bed of roses, and we all at some point have to put into play a "plan b"...

I know its not the usual buy betangel and make tons of cash this way video, but for traders it would be a realistic scenario thats not discussed enough.
Bet Angel
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mister man wrote:I would like to see, the software/features usage demonstrated in redeeming a position gone wrong.
I don't believe in chasing, so you will see few videos or advice to do so. I will have a trade with potenial and green or red up at the end of it as I aim to be net positive over the course of many events, or I may hedge it in another market. I don't go into 'recovery' mode at the point of a loss. It may be worth discussing if others try and recover a position after a loss to see if people have appropiate strategies.
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Hey Bet Angel,

So for example, if you got hit by a volume spike and it resulted in a loss in that particular race would you then stop trading that race?

I only ask because when it happens to me I seem to lose 3 * my average race profit desperately trying to recover.

I'm starting to think as soon as it happens I should take the beating and stop trading that race rather than risk even more redness. Then enjoy the breather it gives me and prepare for the next race.

Bet Angel
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Bet Angel
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Nope, the more you trade a horse race pre off the more likely you are to get positive. I can only talk genearally as everybody has a different style and approach to risk.

But say, for example, I am scalping a race and I am at a loss I don't give up. I keep going till I want to exit. If I am at a profit I don't give up either. I just try and get as many trades through as possible in the safest manner. Just because one trade goes wrong I don't stop. Same for races through the day, I don't stop at a profit or a loss. If you are net expectancy positive there is no reason to stop at any arbitrary level. I'd nominate people stopping at a loss as one of the major reasons people don't make money in many different types of markets.

In the example above I just said I would stop in this situation on footy. That is because I can't undo a goal, But I can factor that into the trade.
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I agree with most of the other users. It would be great to se peter trade a hole day, while he explane why he open a trade - and why and where he close it.
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Ah now it makes sense, I missed the footy bit.

Id like to be able to keep going after a big volume hit also, but I think I need to relax a bit more. It really undoes my confidence and I make stupid trades I wouldn't normally attempt.

I guess it all comes back to discipline.

Bet Angel
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Bet Angel
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I've been preparing a video to illustrate the point on how losses affect peoples ability. Hopefully I will get round to editing and uploading it at some point. When people hear me explain it on the course, people suddenly see some light but I bet you a lot of people still find it difficult to do. People find it really tough to accept a mistake / error but everybody makes them.

I think it's even tougher when the market jumps against you unexpectadly, because that wasn't even your fault!

Some of it can depend on your trading style though, if there is only 30 secs to the off you probably don't have enough time to do anything about it.
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Definitely Bookmaking explained further… after a few months of using Betangle I still find that I’m actually predicting outcomes, rather than trading…
Betangle is definitely a critical tool and brings into the betting equation a substantial level of risk management control.
However, I cannot help but think that at the end of the day, the Bookmaker always wins!
So why no utilize the exchange and Betangle more from that perspective?
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Aqueria wrote:Definitely Bookmaking explained further… after a few months of using Betangle I still find that I’m actually predicting outcomes, rather than trading…
Betangle is definitely a critical tool and brings into the betting equation a substantial level of risk management control.
However, I cannot help but think that at the end of the day, the Bookmaker always wins!
So why no utilize the exchange and Betangle more from that perspective?

Bookmakers don't always win :shock: all depends on their liabilities on each individual book, plenty of bookmakers will happily stand liabilities because they know they're offering under true odds, and in the long run they'll come out on top.

Obviously different bookies have different strategies but the obvious advantage they hold is being able to lay at SP , 120% books etc which gives a lot of room for error in your pricing. With 101% books on the exchanges you'll find it hell of a lot harder to get a fully balanced book , throw in the fact any non runner over 2.5% is a loss for you and it's not as easy as it first seems
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I would like a video of you putting some very large volumes of money through the market.

showing some big greens 400-500 quid like Mr heathcote
As obviosly there are some other techniques entering and exiting trades at this level of stakes.
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Hi i want to see the correct settings for perfeckt trading on horse races pre game!
What are the best individuell Chart...
Candle...ore the one second remove line chart ,
What is the best free refresh 500 miliseconds ore another..?
Thank you
betfaircoach ;)
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there are no correct settings for this!

Even if Euler gave you exactly the settings he used it wouldn't change you into a profitable trader. There is no perfect setup only a setup that you are used to and have experience reading the market through.

The settings Euler uses work for him because he has vast experience in how the market moves using those settings. If he changed his settings tomorrow to something completely different he could adapt his trading and would still be very profitable.

Don;t concentrate on looking for a perfect settings setup because ultimately what works for you is your perfect setup which you need to find and thats not something you can copy from another trader.
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And looking for perfection in trading is a fool's errand. I'll settle for something that makes me consistent profits! :)

jimrobo wrote:
Don;t concentrate on looking for a perfect settings setup because ultimately what works for you is your perfect setup which you need to find and thats not something you can copy from another trader.
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I agree that there is no such thing as correct settings. A tip I've recently found useful after watching some trading videos linked by a forum member, is to have multiple candlesticks of the same runner open at different time scales. You can then use the larger time frames to add weight to any indicators you might spot on the smaller time scale charts.

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