Betfair and Betangel down-time

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I suspect a lot of traders came unstuck on saturday afternoon 5/2/11 when betfair went down and consequently betangel suspended. I was in the middle of a horse racing trade hoping to green out when suddenly betangel suspended.It was still suspended for the duration of the race meaning i was in a vulnerable position and I lost £100 because of this. I contacted Betfair but all they do is quote their terms and conditions to deny any responsibility and refuse to compensate. I pay good money to 'rent' betangel and I don't see why I should suffer because I canot access the service I have paid for.
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Hi Tobsher,

That is just normal from Betfair nowadays.

As soon as I saw the problems with Betfair,well before the first race


I took the decision that the Risk of using Betfair was not worth the possible reward.

I had no issue with Betangel.

If the reservoir is empty I can't blame the pipes if nothing comes out of my taps.

I hope you have a better day today

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Are you having a go at Betangel?

The issue is with Betfair, if their platform is down it is out of Betangel's control. Whatever software you use wouldn't work. In fact i know for a fact that Betangel can connect on mode 1 when most others can't.

The Betfair platform has been at it's most reliable for the last 12 months. Before that it was a nightmare.

Betangel is THE best betting tool on the market, We all pay "good money" to rent it. But you cannot seriously moan about Betangel when something happens that is out of their control.

Not being funny but there are more and more new users coming on here and blaming their losses on everyone but themselves. Get over it.

For the record last weeks outages cost me over a grand, so I'm as pissed off as anyone. I know the risks. I am not moaning.
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Are you having a go at Betangel?

The issue is with Betfair, if their platform is down it is out of Betangel's control. Whatever software you use wouldn't work. In fact i know for a fact that Betangel can connect on mode 1 when most others can't.

The Betfair platform has been at it's most reliable for the last 12 months. Before that it was a nightmare.

Betangel is THE best betting tool on the market, We all pay "good money" to rent it. But you cannot seriously moan about Betangel when something happens that is out of their control.

Not being funny but there are more and more new users coming on here and blaming their losses on everyone but themselves. Get over it.

For the record last weeks outages cost me over a grand, so I'm as pissed off as anyone. I know the risks. I am not moaning.
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I was under the assumption that betangel and betfair were 'one and the same'. I have no issue with bet angel and am very impressed with the software. Betfair actively encourage traders to join so if it goes down then all bets should be automatically cancelled to protect the community.
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I was under the assumption that betangel and betfair were 'one and the same'. I have no issue with bet angel and am very impressed with the software. Betfair actively encourage traders to join so if it goes down then all bets should be automatically cancelled to protect the community.
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tobsher wrote:I was under the assumption that betangel and betfair were 'one and the same'.

If you read some of Euler's posts you'll quickly realise that is not the case
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Dobbin wrote:Hi Tobsher,

That is just normal from Betfair nowadays.

As soon as I saw the problems with Betfair,well before the first race


I took the decision that the Risk of using Betfair was not worth the possible reward.

A very diciplined Trader like me, i took the same view, we all take enough losses during the time it is working properly why take the risk of at least 10-30 % of your bank being wiped out, you enter a minefield with double the amount of explosives when the site is like that.
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Hi all,

I was not exposed to this situation as "luckily" my ISP was out for the day.

Just curious though - I thought historically it was Betfair policy to void bets if a market crashed ?

On a personal note, I have had the net proceeds of winning bets debited from my acount during such an occurence approx 12 months ago whilst trading a Caulfield, Australian horse race.

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Betfair are planning a forum chat to talk about the outage. ... ry_6pm_GMT
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Bet Angel wrote:Betfair are planning a forum chat to talk about the outage. ... ry_6pm_GMT
Bugger all will happen

BF don't care if somebody loses a shitload from an outage because somebody else will have gained from it. They still rake in commission regardless
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