Multiple Sheet Template

Discussion regarding the spreadsheet functionality of Bet Angel.
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Im probably being thick but what is the point of the mulitple sheet template ? I used the 1st sheet to place my backs & was planning on using the 2nd sheet to fire my lay bets but it seems you can only have one sheet connected at a time, is this correct ?

Also if you can only ever have 1 sheet connected at a time, how do I swithch from my back sheet being live to making my lay sheet being live ?

Thanks in advance.

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Why don't you have your lay bets on the same sheet as your back?
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The multiple sheet, if connected in guardian, allows you to monitor multiple markets. As LeTiss suggests, use one sheet for back and lay.
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Thanks for the replies.

Can I encompass both a back & lay on the same horse in the same sheet / same formula ?

ie. Say I wanted to back a horse when it hits say 2.0 & lay it when the price hits 1.9, Can I can do this all in the same formula ?

I was thinking I would need to seperate sheets.

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Errrrrr, Yeah!

Id recommend you invest in some Excel books. Judging by your email, Id start with a dummies guide to familiarise yourself with basics and then work your way up. There are a number of usegroups on the net that would help you too.

Starter for 10; you might want to bone up on the IF() formula.
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Yeah I know basic IF formulas although not great by any means.

But I didnt think you could back & lay from the same sheets as once a bet is placed the staus field is filled meaning that no other bets will be placed until its cleared, so to back & lay from the same sheet I would need to sit & watch the spreadsheet & clear the status field each time - quickly !

This is why I was looking at using one sheet for backing & one for laying.....?
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What exactly are you wishing to do?

Are you hoping to place a back/lay bet and then make a successful scalp?
Or are you wishing to place numerous back & lay bets on the same selection?
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Hi LeTiss.

Yeah Im looking to make a successful scalp in running.

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Finnbarr is right, you need to start developing a greater knowledge of how the IF funtion works, and also how to use (IF(AND + (IF(OR functions. This will allow you to fire a bet at the precise time, but you need to insert OFFSET:x into the command or FILL_KILL & STOP_LOSS statements
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Mr Trend...
If you look in the early Excel posts there are topics on how to clear the staus field automatically...which will help you..Tread carefully though...make you stakes low (or even zero) until you know things work for you...
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Thanks for the info all, il take a look.

Another question, just experimenting with Guardian, say I have 10 markets open on the multiple sheet the refresh rates slow signicantly so Im guessing my triggers will be hit by the same time lag.

Is there any way for me to load up say 10 races on the sheet, but only have it monitor the 1st race so I still get the same performance, then once that race has finished, it moves on to the next race / sheet ie. having 1 active at a time & autmatically making the next race the active sheet ?

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Ignore the above post, just read the thread peterle where youre trying to do the same thing.

Did you ever get it working ?

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