Setting a signal when Stop Loss has been activated

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Hoping somebody can help

I would like to be able to know when the "Stop Loss" has been activated on my automated trading so that I can use that information

I have tried to find out how to do it using the "Set/ Modify a signal" rule and then pass this into another rule but I cant find anything like "stop loss condition" or similiar in the conditions drop box.

I have also tried to be able to do it within the original "Place a bet" rule that has the offset and stop loss stipulated in the paramaters tab - but I cant see how do it there either

Am I missing something? - or is this a feature that doesn't exist yet? - hope its clear what I'm asking


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A stop loss is just an ordinary bet which the software places for you when a price is reached

To set a Signal or Stored Value when its triggered you need to add some conditions to identify when its occurred, the strategy and how you are betting will dictate how best to do this

For example if were opening with a back bet and you stop loss was set to be triggered at 5 ticks

On the rule that places the back bet you could use the Stored value tab to store the price the bet was placed at with an adjustment of minus 5 ticks

Then add a 'Set/modify Stored Value (signal)' rule, and add a stored value condition to test the price is
equal to or less than
the stored value named (whatever you called it)
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