Today's Horse Racing

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When you only have say in the winter 1 or 2 meetings due to abandonments or just 2 meetings scheduled the bookmakers odds compilers normally have all their ducks in a row, this can lead to less volatility (so poor opportunities with less swings and the prices more stable.)

How many runners in a race can also affect opportunities, if there are small fields in the 1 or 2 meetings I often find very little to get excited about.

When you have a day such as today with 8 meetings in the UK and Ireland there will naturally be more opportunities and also more risks.

So depending on your style of trading you should be more suited to either quieter or busier days.

When I look at today I think I can find and take advantage of the increased volatility, on quieter days the whole industry knows the movers and shakers so unless you are in the know early enough opportunities can be limited.

If you were working in one of the major bookies trading rooms today would u have time to get everything correct? Or would you be running around like a headless chicken? The out of kilter prices and bookmaker mistakes are what I am looking at, that fit my trading style. On days like this there should hopefully be more of them.

I would say in the summer is the time for traders to profit with June, July and August my busiest months. Come Jan and Feb i would be trading much less.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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lord wrote:When you only have say in the winter 1 or 2 meetings due to abandonments or just 2 meetings scheduled the bookmakers odds compilers normally have all their ducks in a row, this can lead to less volatility (so poor opportunities with less swings and the prices more stable.)

How many runners in a race can also affect opportunities, if there are small fields in the 1 or 2 meetings I often find very little to get excited about.

When you have a day such as today with 8 meetings in the UK and Ireland there will naturally be more opportunities and also more risks.

So depending on your style of trading you should be more suited to either quieter or busier days.

When I look at today I think I can find and take advantage of the increased volatility, on quieter days the whole industry knows the movers and shakers so unless you are in the know early enough opportunities can be limited.

If you were working in one of the major bookies trading rooms today would u have time to get everything correct? Or would you be running around like a headless chicken? The out of kilter prices and bookmaker mistakes are what I am looking at, that fit my trading style. On days like this there should hopefully be more of them.

I would say in the summer is the time for traders to profit with June, July and August my busiest months. Come Jan and Feb i would be trading much less.

Hope everyone has a good day.
that's very useful lord, thanks. Not sure if i have a style, just trade whatever is happening i think mainly my trades are swingers. I like to get big moves rather than one tick moves so not sure which days would be best.

Euler, here is a prod!. What would you say about todays racing? Is it like yesterday or different? I've had a look but wouldn't know what to look for tbh.
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I've studied just about every aspect of the racing markets so I can forecast likely volatility, volume, traded range etc. etc. So that's the basis on which I look at the markets.

Some race types are just bonkers, others quite predictable but there is always an element on entropy in what you do as horses & yards are not totally predicatble. So you can make forward judgements but you will only know if they are playing out as your approach the markets.

Today Newmarket is my key course as that should throw off some decent opportunties are the right risk. Lingfield will be a bit volatile but should throw off some opportunities. Not convinved by Bath this afternoon. I'd rank this afternoon a 6/10 on the opportunity scale.

I like the look of the evening card, not so sure on Stratford on Avon but I'd give that a 7 or 8 out of ten in terms of opportunity.

A 10 out of 10 will be a high quality day, probably a Saturday with no clashing races, good liquidity and some major feature races.

So today I'll be doing the Tennis initially and shifting to some of the better races this afternoon depending on what's happening on the Tennis.

If I'm stuck on a position on the Tennis I may skip a few races, but generally I'd prefer to do racing as you get an opportunity every ten minutes to make money but a Tennis match can go on for days and never still cock it up! I always keep an eye for opportunties, so I'll be watching the racing all the time. I can't resist it!
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That is really helpful, thanks euler.

Out of interest, what would you have said about yesterday with a view to maybe not trading...what were the indicators, so to speak? Marks out of ten? I know you did comment that is was a tough day. This sort of info is very useful,it will help to decide when or if to enter a trade and be more selective. Maybe even wait longer to see if the price moves in a given direction before entering.

A good or bad race for trading is quite new to me. I thought they were all tradable and it was the trading that is hard! More things to learn but it's all great to know that there are indicators which result in easier trades.
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When I do a course it takes me hours to talk through all the characteristics. There are a ton of variables you can look at but a lot of them are refinements. But when I look at the card in the morning I already know what I'm likely to do 10 minutes out, what the market will feel like and how much money will be traded and where.

But, I'm rare in that I can flip and flop my trading to suit, so I get a good general feel for the market. But as a starter you are better off finding a style you like, or understand and work really hard to nail that and indentify markets where it works well. Avoid those where it doesn't.

I didn't actually trade as much of the afternoon card as I usually do because of the Tennis so I can't give you an accurate steer on the afternoon, but the evening seems ok, if a bit frantic.
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Today looks a good card and plenty of opporunties abound. But it's all going to be about the timing today. Races are only 5 mins apart with the odd exception and that's going to make trading very reliant on everything going off on time.

If it does then you should see huge bursts of activity closer to the off than you usually do and significant per second volume in the dying three mintues of the market.

I'd ranked today towards the top end of what I like but it is subject to everything running on time.
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Euler wrote:Today looks a good card and plenty of opporunties abound. But it's all going to be about the timing today. Races are only 5 mins apart with the odd exception and that's going to make trading very reliant on everything going off on time.

If it does then you should see huge bursts of activity closer to the off than you usually do and significant per second volume in the dying three mintues of the market.

I'd ranked today towards the top end of what I like but it is subject to everything running on time.

it turned out to be a good day and i ended with a nice little profit. The speed of trading helped in a way...didn't have time to think too much, just reacted to the graphs. Quite a few I just left even when they drifted most came back in so i kept my cool! Had some loses and some very tiny profits but overall i am pleased.

I can see where my faults are today as a few times i felt like having a small bet but resisted...that is what i do wrong...usually towards the end of the day even if in profit. I think it is because the bank is so small but luckily enough i didn't...and now know the benefits of pure trades rather than mixing with bets. was today different to the other day which was a 6/10 day? If i could see which days are not so good for trading, it may be wise to wait for a good day.
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Two card Monday's rank right near the bottom of my trading spectrum. Couple that with small fields and low quality jumps action and today is a very missable day.
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today feels terrible, far worse than the usual monday
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Tried a slightly different approach today and it was ok. I just put a back bet on my selection and left it for a few minutes without closing the trade. A few drifted out by a long way and i was tempted to close for a loss, but I kept it open to see if it would come back. Nearly all of them did and kept on steaming in, past my position for a profit.

Doing this with small stakes maybe easier than using large stakes since a big loss using small stakes is not much money.

Maybe using big stakes you need more nerve to sit and watch the loss building up before it returns. It was surprising just how far the ebbs and flows will travel but it was a good day...apart from the last trade which i made a mess of, not sure what happened to dimpsy time in the last at newton abbot.
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Anyone else finding the markets today are swinging any which way. Nice one if you can get it, else swing-n-miss.

Just too many charts that look like 'Chart of the Day' stuff.
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Very quick drift from 3-4.2 on the favourite @ Newbury there. Listed race too! All over the place.
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3.25 Newbury - Lady Nouf!!
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I wish all of them were like today
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Today's set up was favourable to 'swingy' markets.
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