Reverse book - ladder only

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Posts: 78
Joined: Wed May 27, 2009 12:47 pm

Hi. I was wondering if it was possible to add more alternatives to the reverse book. I much prefer trading on the ladder using the reverse book, but sometimes I am tempted to place smaller bets in-play to top up greened profits. However I can't get my head around the reversed one-click screen. Because I still use the Betfair site on occasion, I am completely used to backing on the left, laying on the right, but several times I have accidently layed in-play when I meant to back. Similarly, if I put it back to no reverse, I sometimes forget to switch it back again when I go to trade the next race. If I am trading 20-30 events in a session, you can guarantee I will forget where I am at half a dozen times.
I would really like the option to reverse the ladder only, but keep the one-click screen the same. It would save me constantly having to chop and change. Hope you don't mind the suggestion.
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Posts: 4018
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:47 pm

You can create a set of customs columns and a custom profile that will be set up in exactly the manner you wish. This will mean you can default the one click screen to that setting and still have the ladder reserved. Does this make sense?
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