But it's free......

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I couldn't believe what happened today but I guess it is indicative of attitudes today.

I saw on TV that the Daily Mirror had a special offer available. All I had to do was buy the paper and I could get a free Tuna Salad Sub from Greggs. I wouldn't normally buy the Mirror but that sub is actually quite tasty. I didn't need to think too long...45p for a paper and a free sub or £1.70 for the Sub and no paper.

What happened next, totally astounded me, two events that you couldn't make up!

First, I handed my coupon to the assistant and she was advised by her supervisor on what code to put into the till...no problem, very friendly, she just needed to learn how to deal with the coupon. A young student then started to buy some items one of which was a bottle of coke. He was told they were 2 for 1 but he replied "I only want one!" Now even if you didn't like the product (unlikely as he was buying it) why turn down a free one? Then after he had paid, his mate put his items on the counter and paid for them. I knew he was his mate because he called after the other lad to wait for him. You've guessed the rest, this second lad also bought a single bottle of coke!!

Second, there was a guy to the left of me and he bought the same sub as me. He was reading the Daily Mirror and another assistant told him he could have the sub FOC if he handed over the coupon to which he replied..."that's alright luv, I can't be bovvered!"

Is it me?
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Ha ha!
There is no such thing as a free lunch or so they say!

In my company, we used to give (value add) services away to large customers/corporations..and guess what, we couldnt give them away...
We now charge circa £150K for exactly the same thing...and...we sell them like hot cakes - crazy!

It's all down to perception; if someone thinks they are getting something for nothing, their perception is that it isnt worth anything...

...and anyway, what you doing in Greggs..you should be studying the Racing Post!
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...and anyway, what you doing in Greggs..you should be studying the Racing Post!
I rarely buy the Racing Post on a Monday so I use the website instead. I was sat in front of the TV with a cuppa scanning the cards when I saw the Daily Mirror offer. :D
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