Horses Vs Tennis?

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:07 pm

Hi all,

I've tried my hand at trading the pre off horse markets. I'd have up days and down days. I spent a good couple of months learning as much as I could about choosing the correct horse/race. A lot of pre market analysis etc. Ultimately I got disheartened and felt I'd nearly have the same ROI as a regular punter, but with more stress. So I packed it in.

Fast forward a few months and I have been trading in play on tennis a little bit. Very small stakes initially as the price fluctuations are so wild. So far after about 4 days (not a lot I know) I haven't had a single down day - trading about 12 matches a day or so (while in work). I'm just trying to gauge if I've been lucky this whole time or if this actually is what I should be focusing on more than anything.

I usually trade against big price moves after they happen, ie. someone has just won the first set, I would lay and about 7/10 within the first game the odds have jumped back up after the opponent goes 15 or 30 up. When the odds don't go the way I need them to, I often just wait until a later stage in the game when they're back at the same price, which happens multiple times. On the very rare occasion the odds stay as low as they are, the lay bet liability I lose is also quite small.
I'm so far up about 9% on the bankroll I started with, am I being too naïve here or is tennis actually easier to take a few tics off as it tends to flip flop unlike horses?
Thanks in advance!
Posts: 410
Joined: Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:20 pm

Way too early to tell Im afraid.

Give it a month. Then i would start growing in confidence

As a comparison, in poker it can take a million hands to override luck. Also - that was my Reddit you commented on hah. So hello!
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