If you’re looking to streamline your trading strategy and make quicker, more efficient, decisions; Bet Angel’s ‘net stake’ feature is something you can’t afford to overlook.
This tool is designed to simplify the trading process, making it easier for traders to manage their positions quickly and effectively.
What does the 'Net Stake' Function do?
Bet Angel’s ladder trading screen includes a key function known as ‘net stake’. This feature eliminates the need for traders to constantly monitor matched bets, a task that can be both time-consuming and complex.
When you are Betfair trading you need to open a position, then close a position to get a profit. So the Net Stake feature monitors if your stake in unbalanced in one direction or another and displays that value for you right on your Ladder interface.
The net stake function automatically adjusts and displays your net position in a market as your orders fill, giving you a clear overview of your current trading status.
This means you can exit a position really quickly and easily, with full confidence that you correctly closed a trade.
Where to find the net stake option
The net stake area always appears to the right of your staking area in Bet Angel on your ladder interface. If you have no net position in the market it will show zero and if you have a net position it will show a positive value, but coloured to indicate what net postion you have.

The staking display will look different depending on how you have the staking area set up. You can change the staking area by clicking on the settings area in the ladder.

Understanding Net Stake in Action
Imagine you place a lay bet on Betfair. As your bet starts to get matched, the net stake value changes. As your lay bet gets filled the net stake increaases and the background changes to a blue colour from a neutral colour.
This value tells you exactly how much you need to bet on the opposite side (the back side) to balance your position. It’s a straightforward indicator of whether you need to increase or decrease your stake to maintain a balanced trading position.
Be aware you can only use this feature where you are not creating or closing a partial of full book within a market. If you don’t know what that means, it doesn’t affect you!
It’s also important to know that when you hedge the net stake will change to reflect the hedged position, but that should be the very last thing you do in any market.
Why Balancing Your Trades is Crucial
The net stake feature serves as a guide, showing you the exact amount needed to bring your position to a close. If you open with a £100 lay you will need a back bet of £100 and vice versa. Net stake is not only showing you how unbalance your trade is, it shows your closing positions required to exit and also on which side of the market you need to place those bets.
This not only simplifies your decision-making process but also enhances your ability to manage trades effectively and efficiently.
Embrace Efficiency with Bet Angel
Bet Angel’s net stake feature is more than just a convenient tool; it’s a game-changer when Betfair trading.
By using this feature, you can focus more on your trading strategies and less on the cumbersome task of tracking your overall position. Using this feature, you’re not just trading; you’re trading smarter.
For more information watch the video or visit the user guide.