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Filtering Markets

For more flexibility when finding the markets you want quickly and easily you can configure and save as your own customised market search 'Filters' using Bet Angel's 'Market Filter Editor'.
When you first install Bet Angel it will come with several example filters already in your filter pick list denoted with the prefix 'Ex:', these are ready for you to use straight away. Using the Filter Editor you can edit them or use them as a starting point to create your own filter (saving under a new name if required); you can also create your own filter from scratch with the Editor.
There is no limit on the number of filters you can create and save so even if you trade a wide range of sports and market types you can configure one for every need.
Once a filter has been created & saved it can be used both here in the main 'Market Selection' window on the 'Select' and 'Search' tabs or in the Guardian Search window where it can be used to add multiple markets into with one click Guardian.
Selecting a Filter
In the image below left you can see the list of all the preset filters you will have when you first install Bet Angel, then as you create and save your own filters they will get added to this pick list for you to select and use. In the image below right I've selected the 'Ex: Soccer - English Premier - Popular Markets', and it has instantly found and displayed only the markets fitting that filter criteria.
By configuring and creating multiple saved filters you will be able to easily find and display any of the types of markets you want with just a click.
Displaying Markets
As part of creating a filter you can also customise how you want the markets to be displayed in the market tree.
In the images below I've created two different filters for football markets, but choose to configure each of their displays slightly different. There are of course countless other configurations you could use to display your markets - its totally up to you.